Last changed: 27 February 2020

Christopher Raymond

Other staff involved at the department: Max Ritts, Azadeh Shahrad, Christine Haaland, Anna Peterson
Partners: Södertörn University, University of Copenhagen, Wageningen University, University of Winnipeg and Manitoba University
Financier: FORMAS 
Time period: 2019-2021

VIVA-PLAN is a 3-year project, which aims to develop a sustainable spatial planning framework for revitalising in-between spaces in deprived areas for social inclusion, biodiversity and wellbeing including safety and security by engaging diverse actors and citizens from both Sweden and Denmark.

The project has four objectives:

  1. Classify in-between spaces and map social and ecological values of experts and residents.
  2. Identify social networks and issues of social inclusion or exclusion among vulnerable groups.
  3. Assess the effects of mosaic governance on attitudes toward the revitalization of in-between spaces.
  4. Recommend approaches for engaging diverse actors and citizens in the sustainable spatial planning and future management of in-between spaces at the district, city, regional and national scales.

We work in three study sites: Urbanplanen (Copenhagen, Denmark), Lorensborg/Bellevuegården (Malmö, Sweden) and Ronna (Södertalje, Sweden).

More info here:
