Tuition fees

Last changed: 14 March 2024

Tuition fees are paid by students who are citizens of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Tuition fees cover the course or programme you have been admitted to. The fees do not cover accommodation, course literature or general living expenses.

The fees for Bachelor’s (first-cycle) and Master’s (second-cycle) programmes are for full-time study, the equivalent of 30 credits per semester. If you intend to take more than 30 credits per semester, you will be required to pay additional tuition fees. 

Who does not have to pay tuition fees?

If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, you do not need to pay any application or tuition fees. If you have a residence permit in Sweden for other reasons than studies, you are also exempted from paying application and tuition fees. Likewise, exchange students and doctoral students are not required to pay application or tuition fees, unless you wish to study courses outside of your exchange or doctoral programme. If you don’t need to pay the fees you need to prove it by uploading relevant documents on University Admissions.

Application fee (University Admissions)

An application fee of 900 SEK (Swedish kronor) must be received to the by the fee deadline 1 February in order for your application to be processed. If you have any questions regarding the application fee, please contact

If you are already registered on a course or programme and studying in Sweden you will not need to pay an application fee.

Paying tuition fees - FAQ

Once you are admitted to a Master’s programme or Bachelor’s programme at SLU, go to create a student IT-account. You can find your payment instructions and confirmation of payment via Ladok Student. This amount will cover tuition for the first semester. The instalment must be paid in full, and have reached SLU by 10 May 2024 – you cannot spread the payment over the semester. It usually takes a couple of weeks for the fee to arrive to SLU, after the payment is made. The deadline cannot be extended due to the regulations of the Swedish Migration Agency. If you have any other scholarships than the SLU, SI or Colfuturo Scholarship, the fees must reach SLU by 10 May 2024. You will be able to apply for a residence permit from The Swedish Migration Agency, once you have paid your first instalment and received a confirmation email from SLU.

It is important to keep the following information in mind and carefully consider the account you use for the transaction when making a payment to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). In the event of a reimbursement being necessary, it will be returned to the original account used for payment. Therefore, we suggest selecting a payment method that allows for refunds, ensuring a smooth process in case a reimbursement is required. Make sure to read our refund policy, as this outlines what permits us to make a refund.

The application for residence permit for studies will not be processed if the first instalment tuition is not paid. The application process for the residence permit can take up to 4 months.

You do not need to send in a payment receipt to SLU. 

Payment received deadline made to SLU for each semester in an academic year

First semester - autumn - 10 May 2024 (academic year 2024/2025)
Second semester - spring 2025 - 15 December 2024
Third semester - autumn - 1 August 2024
Fourth semester - spring 2025 - 15 December 2025

If your first payment for your programme has not reached SLU by 10 May, you will lose your place in the programme. If you have studied at least a semester in your programme, SLU must receive your tuition fee for the semester before you can start your course. If you pay your fees after the deadline.

If you cannot pay your fees

If you have already started a programme, and you cannot pay the fee for your upcoming semesters, you cannot begin your studies for the semester. The tuition fee for the semester must be paid in full to be able to begin the studies that semester, you cannot pay part of the fee and study the first course. If SLU has not received your fee by the middle of the semester, you will be suspended from studies.

Note that the Swedish Migration Agency requires students to be registered on 30 credits each semester. If you are not registered on 30 credits each semester, your residence permit might be revoked, or an application for an extension denied.

SLU have no scholarships for students already in a programme, or other ways of helping students who cannot pay their tuition fees.

Frequently asked questions

Can I pay the tuition fee for the first semester after 10 May 2024?

No. 10 May is the absolute last day the fee can arrive to SLU for you to have a chance to receive a residence permit in time.

If SLU has not received your payment by 10 May 2024, you will lose your place in the programme. It is not possible to extend this deadline. The applications are processed in the order they came in to the Migration Agency. You can only apply for a residence permit after you have paid your fee. Please pay the fee as soon as possible to be able to receive your residence permit in time.

How long does it take for the fee to reach SLU?

The transfer time vary greatly depending on the transfer route. Payment made from Sweden usually takes up to a couple of days. International payments usually takes a couple of weeks to arrive into SLU’s account, however it may take over a month. Please pay the tuition fee as soon as possible to ensure that it arrives in time.

Is it possible to pay the tuition fee without making a bank transaction?

The transaction can be made by others, such as an online payment service. Please note that if you need your fee to be refunded, we can only make the refund to the same account the payment was made from. If you use an online payment service you have to collect the fee yourself in case of a refund.

You cannot pay the fee using credit cards or bitcoin.

Can someone else pay the tuition fee for me?

Yes, anyone can make the tuition fee payment. Make sure that your name and birthdate is included in the reference. Please note that if you need your fee to be refunded, we can only make the refund to the same account the payment was made from.

Can I pay the fee in other currencies than SEK?

You are welcome to pay the fee in other currencies, such as US dollar, Euro or British pounds. SLU cannot tell you the tuition fee in other currencies than SEK. You can find the current exchange rate at your bank, or by some other means. 

I cannot pay the fee for my first semester before the deadline, can you keep my place until next year?

You can only defer your studies if you have paid your fee, and you have a special reason you cannot start this year. SLU will keep your tuition fee until next year.

I have paid my tuition fee, what do I do now?

Wait for the confirmation email from SLU. You do not have to send in your payment receipt to SLU. Apply for a residence permit immediately after you have received the confirmation email from SLU. You can read more about the process in the checklist for international students.

The status on University Admissions still says I have to pay the fee, but I have received a confirmation email from SLU?

The status on University Admissions will not change, even after the tuition fee has been paid. The status on University Admissions indicates that you are a fee paying student.

Paying tuition fees to SLU

It is important that you know exactly how to pay your SLU tuition fees. Remember, it is a long process. You will not be able to apply for your residence permit for studies in higher education until you have paid your tuition fees. It is a good idea to plan your SLU tuition fee payment and your residence permit application at the same time.

1. If you are a Master’s student, you will receive your notification of selection results for the 2024­/2025 academic year on 21 March. If you are a Bachelor’s student, you will receive your notification on 11 April.

Please note that your notification will be published in PDF-format on

2. Create an SLU student IT account.

  • Your student account gives you access to the Ladok student registry.
  • Check whether your tuition fee payment instructions are available in Ladok Student. If they are not available, contact tuition fees.
  • You will find your invoice and payment confirmation for each semester in the Ladok Student system. Make sure to carefully check your inbox.

    A few days after you have been sent your notification, you will be emailed your payment instructions will be emailed to the address registered with under ‘My Pages/Log In’. You will be emailed a confirmation of payment from Make sure to monitor your email inbox.

3. Tuition fees must have been received and SLU must have confirmed receipt before 10 May 2024. It is important that you plan how you will pay your tuition fees to SLU. The entire amount of the first semester’s tuition fees must be paid.

The time it takes to complete an international bank transfer varies depending on factors such as the banks involved, transfer method, currency or other aspects such as regulatory compliance or intermediary banks.

Payments cannot be made in instalments. There are no exceptions. The same applies for the subsequent tuition fees. Save your transaction receipt.

SLU can only refund tuition fees to the account from which the original payment was made. To avoid problems in the event of a refund, we strongly recommend that you pay from an account that is in your name.

4. Once Ladok shows that your payment has reached SLU, you must immediately apply for your residence permit from the Swedish Migration Agency. Please note that this is a separate process that SLU is unable to influence in any way. Nor are we able to answer any questions about the immigration process or residence permits.

5. Encountering problems

The most common problems students experience are:

  • Late tuition fee payments delaying the application or process at the Migration Agency.
  • Documents are missing and it is taking longer for the Migration Agency to process the application.
  • Students have not booked an interview at the embassy or consulate in good time (read more on the Migration Agency’s website).
  • Residence permit processing times taking longer than expected, or you do not receive your permit in time.

SLU cannot help you apply for a D visa.

6. If your residence permit is not granted in time, you can apply to defer your studies or to have your tuition fees refunded.

Refunding tuition fees

Email to: if you want to apply for a refund. Your email must include a written statement of why are you requesting the refund, and official documentation supporting your reasons for requesting a refund. All documentation must be in English, and any translations must be by a sworn translator and sent in as a pdf-file.

Your tuition fees can be refunded if:

  • You have not been granted a residence permit for studies.
  • You have withdrawn your residence permit application after the final arrival date.
  • You have been conditionally admitted, but have not met the entry requirements two weeks after the final registration date.
  • You have become exempt from paying tuition fees for reasons such as having been granted a different category of residence permit.
  • Special reasons have prevented you from participating in your studies.

SLU can only refund tuition fees to the account from which the original payment was made. To avoid problems in the event of a refund, we strongly recommend that you pay from an account that is in your name.

It takes approximately one month to process tuition fee refunds. It may take an additional month for you to receive your refund.

Refunds to a Swedish bank account.

If you paid your tuition fees from a Swedish bank account and are requesting a refund, you need to submit the following information in PDF-format:

  • name of the account holder
  • account number including clearing number
  • date the tuition fees were paid
  • recipient (SLU)
  • amount in SEK.

This information must be written on one page. Screenshots will not be accepted.

Course selection

If you would like to take different courses to those you ranked at the top of your 30 credits at the time of the second selection round, you will need to contact and tell us which courses you want to take instead. Here are some examples of when you will need to contact us:

  • If you accept a reserve place after the second selection round
  • If you submit a late application and are admitted
  • If you are admitted to more than 30 credits and want to study courses which are prioritised lower than your top 30 credits
  • If you want to study more than 30 credits.

Can I study less than 30 credits each semester?

The Migration Agency demands that students are registered for 30 credits each semester. Please consult with the Migrations Agency if you wish to study less than 30 credits. You still need to pay for your entire semester (30 credits) if you wish to study less than 30 credits.

Can I study courses at other universities?

If you study courses at other universities during your programme, you still have to pay the fee to SLU. SLU will not transfer the fee to the university you wish to study, you must pay the tuition fee to them as well. The tuition fee payment for your last semester can be lowered if the courses you have taken at other universities can be included in your degree. Contact for such a request.

The tuition fee for each course is lower than my tuition fee this semester?

Your tuition fee is the same each semester, regardless of the cost of the individual courses. Some semesters your tuition fee will be higher than the fee for the courses, some semesters your tuition fee will be lower than the fee for the courses. It adds up in the end. 

During your studies

During your studies, you can:

  • Take courses outside your programme at SLU, up to 30 credits. The tuition fees will be the same as those for your original programme. Make sure that the courses can be included in your degree. If you are unsure, please check the degree requirements.

  • Participate on a student exchange. The fee paid to SLU will be the same as if you were studying on your programme at SLU. If you are unable to transfer 30 credits per semester from exchange studies, you must pay for additional courses at SLU to be able to be awarded your degree. Make sure you plan your exchange carefully to ensure that full credit transfer will be possible. Additionally, you may be entitled to a scholarship from SLU for your exchange period.

Cost of living

The cost of living in Sweden largely depends on your lifestyle. The living expense requirement for you as an applicant in 2024 is at least SEK 10,314 per month. 

This amount is slightly less than what Swedish students receive. Therefore, before you leave home, make sure that you will be able to finance your stay. It will save you a great deal of unnecessary stress and make your study experience in Sweden much more enjoyable.
For more information about cost of living, visit Study in Sweden.

Will SLU provide housing for me?

Fee paying students are guaranteed housing for themselves. The rent is not included in the tuition fee. If you want to get housing for other persons, such as a partner and/or child, you have to find housing on your own. More information regarding housing will be sent to all paying students during June.


Residence permit for studies

To be able to study in Sweden, you need a residence permit. Application for a residence permit for studies can be sent after the tuition fee has been paid, and you have received a confirmation email from SLU.

Application for a residence permit is made through the Swedish Migration Agency website. The Migration Agency is responsible for the entire residence permit process. SLU cannot in any way affect your application. Questions regarding your residence permit should be asked to the Migration Agency.

The waiting time for a decision from the Migration Agency is usually between 2-5 months, sometimes longer. Therefore SLU urge students to pay their tuition fee and apply for a residence permit as soon as possible after you have received the payment instructions from SLU (shortly after you receive the notification of selection results). You can check Time to a decision

The only document you need to prove that you have admitted to SLU, and that you are insured, is the notification of selection results emailed to you after the selection. For contact to the university, you can provide However, that step is optional.

You must be registered to 30 credits each semester. If you study less than 30 credits during a semester your residence permit may be revoked, or an application for an extension denied. If you cannot study for any reason, such as illness or because you cannot pay your tuition fee, you are expected to leave Sweden, as a residence permit for studies only allows residence for studies.

The Swedish Migration Agency put together short instructions videos how to apply for a residence permit for studies in Sweden.

Work opportunities

Please do not depend on working to support yourself during your time as a student in Sweden as it is very difficult to find available part-time jobs. Many employers require Swedish language skills, and depending on your university workload, it may be difficult for you to commit to work outside of studies.


If you have questions about tuition fees, email to:

+46 18 67 28 00

Telephone hours:
Monday 10:00–12:00
Tuesday 10:00–12:00
Thursday 13:00–15:00