CV page

Aemiro Melkamu Daniel

Aemiro Melkamu Daniel


I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Environmental Economics group of the Department of Economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). For more information about my work, check my personal website


My research focuses on applying and developing choice models based on economic theory and insights from behavioral sciences to understand consumer behavior. I am particularly interested in studying decision-making behavior related to energy and transport-related environmental issues. 


Ph.D. in Economics from Umeå University, 2020.

Selected publications

  • Daniel, A.M., van Exel, J., and Chorus, C. G. (2023). Self-interest, positional concerns and distributional considerations in healthcare preferences. The European Journal of Health Economics.
  • Szép, T., van den Berg, T., Cointe, N., Daniel, A.M., Martinho, A., Tang, T., Chorus, C. G. (2023). Give and take: Moral aspects of travelers’ intentions to participate in a hypothetical established social routing scheme. Cities, 133: 104-132.
  • Daniel, A.M., Mouter, N., and Chorus, C. G. (2023). For me or for my relatives? Approximating self-protection and local altruistic motivations underlying preferences for public health policies using risk-perception metrics. Value in Health, 26(1):99–103.
  • Broberg, T., Daniel, A.M., Persson, L. (2021). Household preferences for load restrictions: Is there an effect of pro-environmental framing? Energy Economics, 97:105188.
  • Chorus, C., van Cranenburgh, S., Daniel, A. M., Sandorf, E. D., Sobhani, A., & Szep, T. (2021). Obfuscation maximization-based decision-making: Theory, methodology and first empirical evidence. Mathematical Social Sciences, 109: 28-44. 
  • Daniel, A.M., Persson, L. and Sandorf, E.D. (2018). Accounting for elimination-by-aspects strategies and demand management in electricity contract choice. Energy Economics, 73: 80-90


Non employee at the Department of Economics; Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Postal address:
Box 7013
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Ultuna, Uppsala