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Margaux Boeraeve

Margaux Boeraeve
I am an ecologist studying fungal communities and how these are affected by their environment. I am especially interested in mycorrhizal fungi in a changing world. I am currently working as a postdoc on a project investigating post-harvest effects of forest fertilization in boreal production forests.


I did my PhD studies at the KU Leuven, Belgium on the effects of forest fragmentation on mycorrhizal fungal communities. I used next-generation sequencing to study edge effects, the effects of spatial isolation and forest age on both ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities.

After my PhD I worked as a postdoc on a collaborative project between KU Leuven and the Czech Academy of Sciences studying fungal and bacterial communities in bogs along a large nitrogen deposition gradient.

Currently I work as postdoc at the Department of Soil and Environment studying post-harvest effects of forest fertilization on soil fungi and soil carbon stocks in boreal production forests.


Postdoctor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Soil biology
Postal address:
Institutionen för mark och miljö
Box 7014
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala