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SLU Grogrund - centre for breeding of food crops

There are 42 pages tagged with SLU Grogrund:

Diss Martin Friberg

Gene editing for increased tuber protein utilization in potato (Solanum tuberosum) lotta.malmborg@slu.se Martin Friberg, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Gene editing for increased

A new bacterial consortium can combat economically important wheat disease

A new promising mix of bacteria is identified for managing Fusarium head blight, a disease that cause economical losses worldwide. This biological control method could be a step towards using less

Diss Yousef Rahimi

Phenotypic and genetic diversity in wild and domesticated timothy and related Phleum species Implications for breeding charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Yousef Rahimi defends his thesis "Phenotypic and

Diss Silvana Moreno

Responses to waterlogging and drought of timothy and related Phleum species: phenotype and transcriptome diversity charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Silvana Moreno defends her thesis " Responses to

The genetic scissors - not a magic wand but competitive tools in plant breeding

If the genetic scissors Crispr/Cas9 get green light in the EU, more researchers and plant breeders will be able to develop so-called gene edited varieties of crops, which in various ways could

Dissertation Johanna Osterman

Advancing red clover breeding through genomic selection methods lotta.malmborg@slu.se Johanna Osterman, Department of Plant Breeding, defends the thesis "Advancing red clover breeding through

Towards Winter Wheat and Oat Cultivars with Low Cadmium Uptake

The project in brief Cadmium, which occurs naturally in the environment, negatively influences plant growth and human health. The goal of this project is to identify genomic regions in winter wheat

Sverige nyckelaktör i europeiskt vinprojekt

Climate change, disease and price increases in plant protection are some of the challenges wine producers will face in the future. Researchers now want to equip growers for a warmer and drier climate

Workshop on plant breeding and methods

lisa.beste@slu.se SLU Grogrund is arranging a workshop on 28 May, 09:30 am – 3:00 pm with a focus on the latest methodology for use in plant breeding such as gene editing, high-throughput

Marken viktig att värna när jordbruket flyttar norrut

Since the 1950s, the resilience of our Swedish agricultural soils has deteriorated due to increasingly intensive agriculture. In combination with climate change, this means an increased risk that the

Forskare och beslutsfattare i dialog om EU:s markdirektiv och miljöövervakning

In about 25 years, all soils in the EU should be healthy, according to the European Commission's proposal for a Soil Directive presented in the summer of 2023. The directive will entail changes in


Modulation of the glycoalkaloid biosynthesis pathway in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and development of CRISPR/Cas9 methodology for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) lotta.malmborg@slu.se Ying Liu,
