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Climate change

There are 52 pages tagged with Climate change:

Klimatförändringens effekter på Mälaren

vattenmiljo-webb@slu.se Syftet med dagen är att visa på de utmaningar som klimatförändringen för med sig för ekosystemet och dricksvattenförsörjningen. Vi har gemensam lunch och fika då tid finns

Water Energy Food Webinar

anni.hoffren@sluse The Nordic-Baltic Sustainable Food Systems Network invites you to a webinar on critical water and energy issues in the green transition of Nordic-Baltic food systems. The webinar

Diss Maximilian Schulte

Forest-based climate change mitigation Towards improved climate impact assessments of forest-based systems charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Maximilian Schulte defends his thesis " Forest-based climate

Diss Sandra Makaita Madamombe

Climate-smart agriculture options on coarse-textured soils for improved food security in semi-arid areas charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Sandra Makaita Madamombe defends her thesis "Climate-smart

Selecting the right tree species a possible key to sustainable forestry in the tropics

Rainforests on Borneo have experienced large scale losses because of both unsustainable forestry and the expansion of oil palm plantations. Meanwhile the resources from the tropical forests are

SLU provides scientific advice to the World Bank

Methane is a major greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to climate change. The Global Methane Reduction Platform for Development (CH4D), is a strategic platform launched by the World Bank at


Interested in knowing more about how SLU contributes to the Baltic Sea Science Center (BSSC)? Please get in touch with any of the persons listed below. Experts in "Kunskapsrådet" for BSSC at SLU The

Future Forests IUFRO excursion

On June 26, some 200 participants gathered at Gålö peninsula in the Stockholm archipelago, to take part in Future Forests' excursion. Sunny weather and fresh ocean winds made for an unforgettable day

Climate Conversation for SLU employees and students

How can we produce food throughout Sweden in the shadow of climate change? futurefood@slu.se We welcome researchers, other staff and students at SLU to this internal webinar within SLU's series of

Global mingle - shared science, bright solutions

catherine.kihlstrom@slu.se SLU Global invites you to the session 'Global mingle - shared science, bright solutions' at IUFRO 2024 in Stockholm. Photo: Aida Bargues Tobella The session will run as

Webbinarium: Skogsdata 2024

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Ny statistik och resultat från Riksskogstaxeringens artinriktade inventeringar. Fotograf: Åke Bruhn, SLU. Artinventering i Ydre, Östergötland. SLU Riksskogstaxeringen

Climate Conversations across disciplines

Researchers’ roles, activism, and transformative science are some of the topics discussed in the Climate Conversations at SLU - a webinar series for SLU staff to increase the scientific dialogue
