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Climate change

There are 44 pages tagged with Climate change:

Climate Conversation for SLU employees and students

How can we produce food throughout Sweden in the shadow of climate change? futurefood@slu.se We welcome researchers, other staff and students at SLU to this internal webinar within SLU's series of

Global mingle - shared science, bright solutions

catherine.kihlstrom@slu.se SLU Global invites you to the session 'Global mingle - shared science, bright solutions' at IUFRO 2024 in Stockholm. Photo: Aida Bargues Tobella The session will run as

Webbinarium: Skogsdata 2024

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Ny statistik och resultat från Riksskogstaxeringens artinriktade inventeringar. Fotograf: Åke Bruhn, SLU. Artinventering i Ydre, Östergötland. SLU Riksskogstaxeringen

Climate Conversations across disciplines

Researchers’ roles, activism, and transformative science are some of the topics discussed in the Climate Conversations at SLU - a webinar series for SLU staff to increase the scientific dialogue

Varmare klimat minskar myggornas blodtörst

Studies from SLU show that mosquitoes exposed to higher temperatures are more likely to favour plant nectar over blood, which could reduce the spread of malaria in a warmer climate. Read the full

Thesis presents unique study on flood mitigation in newly rewetted peatlands

Rewetting some of Sweden's drained peatlands has been touted as a measure to mitigate the effects of extreme weather. But how effective is this? In her doctoral thesis Shirin Karimi at SLU in Umeå

Building a more locally responsive restoration paradigm - for multiple human and environmental goals

Building a more locally responsive restoration paradigm - for multiple human and environmental goals malin.planting@slu.se Welcome to a seminar to explore insights and lessons on forest & landscape

Wind damages expected to increase in a warmer climate

In spite of elks, spruce beetles and pathogenic fungi, wind is probably the largest cause of economic loss for European forestry. A number of reports in recent years investigates how the risk of wind

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is held every year in March with the purpose to bring the world together, shine a spotlight on nature loss and the climate crisis, and to inspire more people to act and advocate for urgent

Water seminar SIWI SIANI

"As the climate crisis unfolds, farmers across the world face growing problems with droughts and floods. Erratic rainfall patterns and extreme weather events will only get worse and require a greater

Water for food security in global and local climate change

Water security is essential for all life on earth, and not least for food security and sustainable food production. Jennie Barron, Professor within agricultural water management, emphasise the

Common murres and heatwaves

More extreme and prolonged heat waves can cause seabirds to lose their eggs and chicks. Many species of seabirds nest during the hottest summer months, exposed on rocks and beaches. This renders them
