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Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry

There are 85 pages tagged with Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry:

Anna Rising

Anna Rising is a professor of veterinary medicine biochemistry since 1 February 2018 . In her inauguration lecture she speaks about medical engineering using spider silk technology. Anna Rising is a

Kvinnomaraton - Symposium for women in research

markmiljo-webb@slu.se Are you a female researcher interested in meeting other female researchers to network and discuss common interests? Welcome to The Society of Women Researchers annual event

Unique landscape experiment for sustainable food production and biodiversity

The Kamprad family's foundation finances a new project at the Swedish University of Agriculture's research facility,Lövsta outside Uppsala. The project focuses on the reintegration of crop production

utlysningen IDA3 tillfalle2_eng

The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at

utlysningen IDA3 tillfalle1_eng

The call from the Interdisciplinary Academy – Q&A session and match making futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a lunch webinar about the call for new applicants to the Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) at

Best anaesthesia protocol for fish

There are over 30000 species of fish, living in a wide range of habitats. To treat ‘fish’ as one group is probably even less meaningful than to attempt to produce general guidelines for ‘mammals’. In

Diss Lisa Johansson

Metabolomic and proteomic changes in Standardbred horses in training sofia.webering.ekberg@slu.se Lisa Johansson defends her thesis: Metabolomic and proteomic changes in Standardbred horses in

Reed as feed to horses and ruminants

This project investigates whether reed silage can be used as roughage for horses. Reed is harvested in different plant maturations and analyzed with regard to energy value and nutrient content.

Identification of a Dominant Mucosal Mast Cell Population with Possible Inflammatory Functions in Airways of Asthmatic Horses

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease and a serious health problem in horses as well as in humans. In humans and mice, mast cells (MCs) are known to be directly involved in asthma pathology

Test of new biomarker to differentiate intestinal disease from cancer in cats

Tumor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are difficult to diagnose and often lead to great suffering for our pets. The incidence of cancer gastrointestinal lymphoma (GI lymphoma) in cats has

Patellar ligament desmopathy in the horse – a review and comparison to human patellar tendinopathy (‘Jumper’s knee’)

Patellar ligament desmopathy in horses is regarded as an uncommon condition with unclear aetiology. Of the three patellar ligaments in the horse, the intermediate is the one most often diagnosed with

Is Markerless More or Less? Comparing a Smartphone Computer Vision Method for Equine Lameness Assessment to Multi-Camera Motion Capture

Computer vision is a subcategory of artificial intelligence focused on extraction of information from images and video. It provides a compelling new means for objective orthopaedic gait assessment in
