Education news
Here we present news items about SLU's education.
Doctoral award ceremony 2024
Doctoral award ceremony 2024 The doctoral award ceremony will take place on Saturday 5 October. At the ceremony 50 new doctors, 4 jubilee doctors and as 6 honorary doctors
FFB Educational Adventure
In June 2024, several PhD students from the research school “Focus on food and biomaterials” at SLU visited several organizations in Switzerland, which are working with topics relevant to food and
Plant cell wall research opens up new opportunities for bioengineering
Secondary cell walls provide the plant with stability and protection against damage and pathogens. PhD student Félix Barbut from Ewa Mellerowicz’s group at UPSC and SLU has been studying the role of
Master's thesis
You can write your master’s thesis at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre in the subject of forest science or biology. The following list outlines some of the fields in which you can do your
Global collaboration for animal welfare
Since the start of 2023, SLU has been one of the EU partners in a project called SuLAWe, led by Nürtingen-Geislingen University (HGU) in Germany. The project, which focuses on Sustainable Livestock
Filling an educational gap – delivering expert knowledge on gender equality, diversity and inclusion in forestry to everyone
The world’s first Massive Open Online Course on Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) in forest-related sectors – ForGEDI MOOC - will premiere on 8 April on FutureLearn platform. ForGEDI
What does future education look like
SLU collaborates with higher education institutions around the world and actively participates in international networks and projects. SLU constantly enhances the international dimension and
International Student Barometer
The International Student Barometer (ISB) surveys approximately 120 000 students around the world. The latest results see the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) ranking first for
EU expertise in animal welfare
Elina Åsbjer and Galia Zamaratskaia from SLU participated in the steering committee meeting of the Erasmus+ capacity-building project "SuLAWe - Sustainable Livestock Production and Animal Welfare."
On December 13th the student teams from 5 Nordic and Baltic universities pitched their food and biotechnology related business ideas to an international jury at the NOBALIS Demo Day. The teams have
Curiosity and interest was high on the annual meeting of SLU Forest Damage Centre’s Research school
Lots of curios questions and high interest was expressed when the PhD-students of the research school met together with representatives from the forest sector for the first annual meeting on 15th and
Matlab Workshop at ET - a success!
A workshop about MATLAB was successfully conducted on September as one of the activities provided by the research school of Sustainable systems for food, energy and biomaterials (SSFEB)- SLU. The