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Forest damages

There are 79 pages tagged with Forest damages:

Forest Damage tool

Forest damage is a tool for identifying and reporting forest damage online. The aim of Skogsskada is to increase knowledge about tree and forest damage and contribute to developing methods and

Awaiting the next summer of fires

Prolonged heat, very limited rainfall, and frequent lightning are all factors that increase the risk of forest fires. The summer of 2018 is a good example, when 7,000 fires destroyed well over 22,000

Contact us

Do you want to get in touch with the SLU Forest Damage Centre? Feel free to contact out staff or one of SLU's external collaboration specialists who are experts in forests and forest damage!

Sign up for two days of networking around plant protection and forest damage

Welcome to a networking symposium 2–3 October, arranged by the SLU Plant Protection Network and the SLU Forest Damage Centre for staff at SLU active in these areas. The meeting is held in Umeå. The

SLU Forest Damage Centre

We produce and collect knowledge and competence for the health of the forest.

It is vital to manage pathogenic fungi in forest nurseries

Increased knowledge about pathogenic fungi in nurseries can improve the measures used to protect the tree seedlings. Therefore, in her doctoral thesis, Rebecca Larsson has studied the occurrence of

New camera technology to unveil bark beetle infested spruces at an earlier stage

With advanced drone cameras, researchers can detect European Spruce Bark Beetle infestations earlier and more accurately than ever before. With innovative new camera technology, they now aim to

For researchers

Research projects under the SLU Forest Damage Centre develop the knowledge, modelling tools and technology necessary for preventing and managing forest damage. We welcome research projects driven by

More and happier pathogens in warmer Nordic countries

The majority of all known pathogens to global food production will thrive and reproduce faster in a warmer climate. Such generalizations are, however, not necessarily practically useful. A new report

Wind damages expected to increase in a warmer climate

In spite of elks, spruce beetles and pathogenic fungi, wind is probably the largest cause of economic loss for European forestry. A number of reports in recent years investigates how the risk of wind

Spruce bark beetle attacks in a time of climate change

Where and when does the spruce bark beetle attack? Petter Öhrn has investigated this as well as the spruce's defense capacity in his doctoral thesis. "It is particularly important for forest owners


Research is an important part of the work of SLU Forest damage centre. It contributes new knowledge about forest damage and forest pests. With research we create opportunities for preventing and
