Good examples

Last changed: 15 February 2023
Food on a buffet

Here we will continuously update with good examples, large and small, from the universities' climate work.

What do we do with the catering food that is left over?

What do we do with the catering food that is left over?

  • To reduce food waste, the first step is to order the right amount of food, but for various reasons, despite careful planning, food can be left over. What do we do with it?

    In SLU's guidelines for ordering coffee and catering, it is encouraged to bring leftover sandwiches and other coffee leftovers to lunch or coffee rooms and sign with "go ahead" or to donate the leftovers to students.

    In connection with larger events when it is difficult to determine the actual number of participants, the City Mission is contacted in advance. The City Mission has guidelines for the disposal of food waste and if they are forewarned, they can pick up the remains, if it is in sufficient quantity.

    It is also possible to agree with the supplier for the appropriate time for the recovery of residues and serving materials, in order to be able to take care of the leftovers yourself.



Anna-Karin Johnson, Communicator
SLU Meny
0511-671 93