Meet a researcher

Last changed: 12 September 2024

Learn more about what an SLU researcher does. Meet Johan Lövgren who works at the Department of Aquatic Resources in Lysekil.

What is your title and what brought you to SLU?

I work as a researcher and head of unit of the stock analysis group. My work concerns estimating the status of various commercial fish and shellfish stock in the oceans surrounding Sweden. In order to do this, we use collected data from fishing boats and our surveillance vessels. We calculate the amount of mature fish as well as how much fishing pressure the stock is exposed to. Based on the findings, we then submit biological counsel on how much can be taken from the stock. After I completed my university studies in 2004 in Umeå, I was offered a job at the former National Board of Fisheries’ Institute of Marine Research in Lysekil. In 2011, the board was discontinued, and the institute became part of the Department of Aquatic Resources at SLU.

What does a researcher do? What are your primary duties?

We constantly try to improve methods for estimating stock and data collection. My main duty is to deliver biological counsel on various commercial stock as well as ensure that the people in my group can carry out their duties in the best way.

What do you like about your job?

Even after 14 years, I still find it challenging since there is so much more to learn.

What does the SLU slogan “Science and education for sustainable life” mean to you?

It means that SLU works with sustainable exploitation.

How would you describe what it’s like to work at SLU to those who don’t know about us?

Since our operations differ in many regards to how other departments work, I can’t exactly say what it’s like to work at SLU in general. However, I get along well with my colleagues and enjoy my duties at the Institute of Marine Research in Lysekil.


HR Unit, Division of Human Resources