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Philip Jacobson

Philip Jacobson


My research focus on the importance of predator-prey interactions for individual performance and population dynamics of predatory fish and their ecological function in aquatic systems. I further work with the Swedish national data collection program for European eel within the unit of diadromous fish at SLU Aqua since 2022. I am also a memeber of the international working group for eel, WGEEL, since 2023.



2020: PhD in Marine Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU): "Size-dependent predator-prey interactions, distribution and mortality in salmon: effects on individuals and populations"

2015: MSc degree in Marine Ecology, Stockholm University, Sweden.

2013: BSc degree in Biology, Stockholm University, Sweden.



Co-supervisor for Elin Sjögren, 60 credit MSc project: Constraints in the upstream migration of the European eel.


Co-supervisor for Maiara Karlsson, 15 credit bachelor level: Stocking eel or restoring routes? - Evidence-based measures vs. practice.

Main supervisor for Emil Rask, independent project, 15 credit bachelor level: Cormorant predation on eel - a litterature review.

Main supervisor for Ellen Schaal, independent project, 15 credit bachelor level: The variability of habitat use by the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) during its resident yellow eel life stage throughout its distribution range.


Co-supervisor for Ulrika Tollerz Brattby, 30 credit MSc thesis project: Factors explaining variation in the fecundity of female Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) – the influence of length, body condition and growth rate at sea.

Selected publications

Säterberg, T., Jacobson, P.,  Ovegård, M., Rask, J., Östergren, J., Jepsen, N., & Florin, A-B. 2023.  Species- and origin-specific susceptibility to bird predation among juvenile salmonids. Ecosphere 14(12): e4724.

Jones, D., Dahlgren, E., Jacobson, P., & Karlson, A. M. 2022. Determining Baltic salmon foraging areas at sea using stable isotopes in scales—a tool for understanding health syndromes. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(1), 158-168. DOI:

Jacobson, P., Whitlock, R., Huss, M., Leonardsson, K., Östergren, J., & Gårdmark, A. 2021. Growth variation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at sea affects their population-specific reproductive potential. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 671, 165-174. DOI:

Jacobson, P., Gårdmark, A., Huss, M. 2020. Population and size‐specific distribution of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the Baltic Sea over five decades. Journal of Fish Biology, 96: 408-417. DOI:

Jacobson, P., Bergström, U., Eklöf, J. S. 2019. Size-dependent diet composition and feeding of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) and northern pike (Esox lucius) in the Baltic Sea. Boreal Environmental Research, 24: 137-153. URL:

Jacobson, P., Gårdmark, A., Östergren, J., Casini, M., & Huss, M. 2018. Size‐dependent prey availability affects diet and performance of predatory fish at sea: A case study of Atlantic salmon. Ecosphere, 9(1), e02081. DOI:


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Researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources; Unit Diadromous Species
Telephone: +460104784278, +46722438879
Postal address:
Sötvattenslaboratoriet, Stångholmsvägen 2
Visiting address: Stångholmsvägen 2, Drottningholm