Balancing power from biofuels

Last changed: 12 April 2021

The project starts and finishes in 2013.

The aim of this project is to investigate how far electricity from biofuels can contribute to balancing power in the Swedish power system. The project is mainly based on literature studies.

The proportion of electricity from renewable energy sources, e.g. from wind and the sun, is increasing rapidly in many countries, and so also amongst them Sweden. However, the production of electricity from wind power plants and solar cells varies a lot, e.g. depending on the weather (wind speed, cloudiness, etc.) and time of the day (night or day). As electricity must be produced/provided at the same time as it is used, these new renewable intermittent energy sources increase the demand for sufficient balancing power in the power system.

The project is financed by the Standup for Energy.

Participating from the Department is Daniel Nilsson.
