Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology
The training includes that you will learn to recognize 200 food and poisonous fungi, become familiar with fungal systematics and how to identify fungi, the ecology of fungi and learn more about the importance of fungi for nature and us humans. The course has two compulsory meetings: a weekend in Uppsala in June and five days at Billingen in August.
Mer information in Swedish (
Course evaluation
The course evaluation is now closed
BI1297-50028 - Course evaluation report
Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.
Additional course evaluations for BI1297
Academic year 2023/2024
Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology (BI1297-50115)
2024-06-03 - 2024-09-01
Academic year 2022/2023
Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology (BI1297-50045)
2023-06-05 - 2023-08-27
Academic year 2020/2021
Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology (BI1297-50011)
2021-06-07 - 2021-08-29
Academic year 2019/2020
Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology (BI1297-50001)
2020-06-08 - 2020-08-31
Academic year 2018/2019
Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology (BI1297-50006)
2019-06-10 - 2019-09-01
Academic year 2017/2018
Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology (BI1297-50050)
2018-06-04 - 2018-09-09
Syllabus and other information
BI1297 Mycological knowledge - Introduction to Mycology, 7.5 Credits
Svampkunskap - en introduktion till mykologiSubjects
Biology BiologyEducation cycle
Bachelor’s levelModules
Title | Credits | Code |
Individual exercises | 2.5 | 0102 |
Species knowledge | 2.5 | 0103 |
Final exam | 2.5 | 0104 |
Advanced study in the main field
First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirementsBachelor’s level (G1N)
Grading scale
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.
SwedishPrior knowledge
Basic eligibility for higher education.Objectives
The course is an orientation course in mycology aimed at giving the student a basic knowledge of mushrooms and their biology and ecological roles.
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
outline the basic biology and systematics of fungi.
be able to assign mushrooms into different taxonomic groups, as well as recognize a number of common mushrooms, including edible and poisonous mushrooms.
Describe the ecological roles of fungi.
Discuss different ecosystems role for the life of mushrooms.
explain the impact of fungi on our everyday lives.
The course is an orientation that provides species knowledge and an introduction to the biology and ecological roles of fungi. Central to the course are mushrooms, such as edible and poisonous mushrooms, their identification, taxonomy and systematics. The course briefly covers the use of fungi in our everyday lives.
The course is a distance course and the teaching is conducted in the form of online lectures, excursions and project work. Exams, project work and seminars are mandatory.
Grading form
The grade requirements within the course grading system are set out in specific criteria. These criteria must be available by the course start at the latest.Formats and requirements for examination
Passed written exam, approved oral and written presentations of seminars and individual work as well as participation in compulsory subjects.
If a student has failed an examination, the examiner has the right to issue supplementary assignments. This applies if it is possible and there are grounds to do so.
The examiner can provide an adapted assessment to students entitled to study support for students with disabilities following a decision by the university. Examiners may also issue an adapted examination or provide an alternative way for the students to take the exam.
If this syllabus is withdrawn, SLU may introduce transitional provisions for examining students admitted based on this syllabus and who have not yet passed the course.
For the assessment of an independent project (degree project), the examiner may also allow a student to add supplemental information after the deadline for submission. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Other information
The right to participate in teaching and/or supervision only applies for the course instance the student was admitted to and registered on.
If there are special reasons, students are entitled to participate in components with compulsory attendance when the course is given again. Read more in the Education Planning and Administration Handbook.
Additional information
The course is given as a distance course, but it includes about one week’s excursion and exercises at and near the Ultuna campus, which may involve some travel expenses for the student.SLU is environmentally certified according to ISO 14001. A large part of our courses
cover knowledge and skills that contribute positively to the environment. To further
strengthen this, we have specific environmental goals for the education. Students are
welcome to suggest actions regarding the course’s content and implementation that lead
to improvements for the environment. For more information, see webpage
Responsible department
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Grading criteria
På kursen ges bara godkänt eller underkänt.
För godkänd kurs krävs
- Närvaro på de båda kursträffarna
- Godkänt eget arbete och opponering (skriftligt och muntlig presentation)
- Godkänd hemtentamen (fodras 60%)
- Godkänt artprov (fodras 80% av arterna rätt identifierade och samtliga giftsvampar korrekt identifierade)
Meddela kursledningen i god tid om du av någon anledning är förhindrad från att delta i obligatoriska kursmoment eller blir förhindrad från att lämna in obligatoriska uppgifter i tid. Om det finns särskilda skäl kan kompletterande uppgifter ersätta obligatoriska moment. Om du nästan klarar artprovet och inte kommer upp i 80% rätt eller missar någon giftsvamp, får du göra en kompletterande skriftlig uppgift för att bli godkänd. Vid lägre än 60% korrekt identifierade får du återkomma och göra om artprovet nästa år.
Litterature list
Svampar i Sverige
Mossberg, Mats Karström, Sven Nilsson & Olle Persson
Bonnier Fakta 2013. Mycket bra svampbok med ett bra introduktionskapitel.
Nya svampboken
Pelle Holmberg och Hans Marklund
Norstedts Norstedts 2014, 8:e uppl. Standardverk för matsvampar och deras förväxlingssvampar.
Giftsvampar och svampgifter
Pelle Holmberg, Hans Persson, Hans Marklund & Siw Muskos
Utbildningsförlaget Brevskolan 1990. Utgången. Tillhandahålls genom kursen.
Samt en av nedanstående två böcker
***Svamparnas förunderliga liv - vad en svampplockare behöver veta om underjorden.
***Anders Dahlberg och Anna Froster
Natur och Kultur 2021
***Ett samanvävt liv: hur svamparna förenar vår värld, förändrar våra sinnen och formar vår framtid.
***Merlin Sheldrake
Volante 2021
Tips på bredvidläsningslitteratur
From Another Kingdom – the Amazing World of Fungi
Lynne Boddy och Max Coleman (eds).
Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh 2010. Utmärkt modern mykologisk översiktsbok. Var tidigare kursbok, men lite svår att få tag i och på engelska. Kursledningen har några exemplar som säljs för 300 kr.
Svamparnas planet
Nyström, J. (2020). Bonnier fakta. Ny svensk populärvetenskaplig bok som ger en bra överblick över aktuell kunskap om svamp.
The Kingdom of Fungi
Petersen, J.H. (2012). Princeton University Press. En kortfattad och initierad populärvetenskaplig exposé över svamparnas värld.