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Forest and landscape governance

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

LK0424-10171 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

Course literature

Primary (mandatory)

Action Plans: Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Lisbon, Sao Paulo, Turin.

Arts, B.; Leroy, P.; van Tatenhove, J. (2006). Political Modernisation and Policy Arrangements: A Framework for Understanding Environmental Policy Change, Public Organiz Rev (2006) 6: 93–106. DOI 10.1007/s11115-006-0001-4

Arts, B. J. M., & Visseren-Hamakers, I. J. (2012). Forest governance: a state of the art review. In B. J. M. Arts, S. van Bommel, M. A. F. Ros-Tonen, & G. M. Verschoor (Eds.), Forest people interfaces; Understanding community forestry and biocultural diversity (pp. 241-257). Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Brugha, R. & Z. Varvasovszky (2000) Stakeholder analysis: a review. Health Policy and Planning; 15(3) 239-246.

CLARA (2018). The missing pathways to 1.5 C, read pp. 1-8 + conclusions 36-37. Available: MissingPathwaysCLARAreport_2018r2.pdf (

Jansson, M., N. Vogel, H. Fors, N. Dempsey, A. Buijs & T.B. Randrup (2020). Defining urban open space governance and management. In: Jansson, M. & T.B. Randrup (Eds) Urban Open Space Governance and Management. Routledge, London & New York. Pps. 11-29. ISBN 9780367173036

Lier, M., Köhl, M., Korhonen, K. T., Linser, S., Prins, K., & Talarczyk, A. (2022). The New EU Forest Strategy for 2030: A New Understanding of Sustainable Forest Management? Forests, 13(2), 245.

Logmani-Assmann, J.; Beland Lindahl, K.; Krott, M., Burns, S.L.; Giessen, L. (2021) Forest set-aside policy for International biodiversity targets? Obstructive bureaucratic territoriality in Germany and Sweden, *International Forestry Review *Vol.23 (4), pp. 448-461.Sotirov, M., Pokorny, B., Kleinschmit, D., & Kanowski, P. (2020). International Forest Governance and Policy: Institutional Architecture and Pathways of Influence in Global Sustainability. Sustainability, 12(17), 7010.

Sotirov, M., Pokorny, B., Kleinschmit, D., & Kanowski, P. (2020). International Forest Governance and Policy: Institutional Architecture and Pathways of Influence in Global Sustainability. Sustainability, 12(17), 7010.

Torfing, J., L.B. Andersen, C. Greve & K.K. Klausen (2020). Public Governance Paradigms. Competing and Co-existing. Elgar Publshing.

Selected readings:
Bureaucracy (pp. 24-26)
Professional Rule (pp. 37-38)
New Public Management (pp. 54-57)
New Public Governance (125-131)

Wallin, I. (2017). Forest Management and Governance in Sweden: A Phronetic Analysis of Social Practices. Doctoral Thesis No. 2017:15. SLU. Selected pages: 41-52.

Secondary (suggested)

Agrawal, Chhatre and Hardin (2008). Changing Governance of the World’s Forests, Science, 320 (5882).

Appelstrand, M. (2012). Developments in Swedish forest policy and administration – from a “policy of restriction” toward a “policy of cooperation.” Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 27(2), 186–199. BJM,

Appelstrand M, et al. (2010). “Discourses, actors and instruments in international forest governance”. In: Rayner J, Buck A, Katila P, editors. Embracing complexity: Meeting the challenges of international forest governance. A global assessment report, Prepared by the Global Forest Expert Panel on the International Forest Regime. IUFRO World Series: 28. Vienna, Austria: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO); p. 57-74.

Arts B, Buizer M. (2009). “Forests, Discourses, Institutions: A Discursive-Institutional Analysis of Global Forest Governance”. In Forest Policy and Economics. (11)340-7.

Bass, S. (2004). SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT | Certification. In J. Burley (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences (pp. 1350–1357). Elsevier.

Ciccantell, P.S. (2019). Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Raw Materialism: The Material Foundations of the Capitalist World-Economy. In: Frey, R., Gellert, P., Dahms, H. (eds) Ecologically Unequal Exchange. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Chapters 3 & 7

Holmgren, L. (2010). International forest policy: An overview. Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry.

Persson S, Harnesk D, Islar M. (2017). “What local people? Examining the Gállok mining conflict and the rights of the Sámi population in terms of justice and power”. Geoforum. 86:20-9.

Roberge, J.-M., Fries, C., Normark, E., Mårald, E., Sténs, A., Sandström, C., Sonesson, J., Appelqvist, C., & Lundmark, T. (2020). Forest management in Sweden Current practice and historical background (No. 2020/4). Skogsstyrelsen.

Sandström, C., Pilstjärna, M., Hannerz, M., Sonesson, J., & Nordin, A. (2022). A One-Size-Fits-All Solution for Forests in the European Union: An Analysis of the New EU Forest Strategy (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 4037179).

Wolff, S., & Schweinle, J. (2022). Effectiveness and Economic Viability of Forest Certification: A Systematic Review. Forests, 13(5), 798.


  1. Laboratorio Multimedia de conflictos ambientales. (2013). “Aquí nos vamos a quedar” 28 min 42 sec. (Topics: Environmental conflicts, global south perspective, urban and rural landscape governance and management). Link: access here.
  2. GALLOK: The Battle for Sami Rights and to Stop a Mining Project in Sweden. 2020.

Link: access here.

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Forest and Landscape (BSc) Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 19030 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1F)
Subject: Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture
Course code: LK0424 Application code: SLU-10171 Location: Alnarp Distance course: No Language: English Responsible department: Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management Pace: 100%