25 Mar

Zoom, Alnarp

PhD Webinars in Becfor Spring 2021: The choices we make

seminars, workshops |
Bilbo's house

Webinars with PhD students within the Becfor subject areas. Take the chance to meet other PhD students with similar subjects as your own!

Welcome to join the seminars spring 2021. The webinars will be about sharing your knowledge and ongoing projects with each other in short presentations in full group and smaller discussions in break out rooms. The purpose of the webinars is to enable PhD students from the different departments to get to know each other more and to increase your network. 
The webinars are 2 hours long with half of the time for presentations and half for break out room conversations. 
For each session you can sign up to present your ongoing studies, future projects, or your finished results. You will have 10 minutes for presenting. Feel free to screen-share a poster, a power point or a video in your talk.  
You may sign up different presentations at different webinars but don't make double registrations for the same talk (you have to choose one webinar per subject). 
If you have any questions please contact the Becfor coordinators, 
To sign up, fill in the form in this link 
25 March: The choices we make 

10.00-12.00: Moderator: Eliza Maher Hasselquist
Possible subjects can be:

  • How different management will give you different results in economy, products, forest types
  • Forest planning under uncertainties 


Two other occasions are planned:

20 April: Just deal with it  
Possible subjects can be: 

  • Anything related to climate change
  • Subjects related to land use conflicts or multiuse with forest
  • Water management in forestry systems 

20 May: Unexpected journeys and surprising results 
Possible subjects can be: 

  • Any subject but you started with one hypothesis and ended up with another
  • Results that overturn the belief from earlier knowledge 


Time: 2021-03-25 10:00 - 12:00
City: Alnarp
Location: Zoom
Organiser: BECFOR


Karoline Schua, Education officer/ Education Administrator
Phone: +4640415034, +46722024790
email: karoline.schua@slu.se