CV page

Ingmar Persson

Ingmar Persson


Research interests

  • Reactions and speciation of simple inorganic and organic molecules in the interface aqueous solution-air.
  • Speciation of metals in natural systems as natural waters and soil in Sweden and in developing countries in Africa
  • Structural and dynamics studies of inorganic ions in aqueous solution
  • Removal of arsenic from drinking water
  • Chemical reactions and mechanical properties of archaeological wood, in particular the historic Swedish warship the Vasa.
  • Synchrotron light based research
  • Structure determination of advanced inorganic materials as metal-organic frameworks

Chemical reactions and mechanical properties of archaeological wood are investigated, in particular the historic Swedish warship the Vasa. Photo: Hans Hammarsiköld

My research has been externally funded through grants with a turnover of ca 3 million SEK annually. I have close collaboration with Uppsala and Stockholm University with shared Ph.D. students.

Hydration of scandium (II) ion in aquesoue solution and crystalline hydrates. Illustration: Ingmar Persson.




Teaching 2010 - present

  • Energisystemens miljöpåverkan/Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 10 hp (MV0060); developed the course 2000, and have been course responsible and teacher since 2000.
  • Energi och miljö/ Energy and Environment, 5 hp (MX0059); developed the chemistry part of the course 2008, and teacher since 2008.
  • Water and Soil Chemistry/Vatten- och markkemi, 10 hp (MV0205); developed the chemistry part of the course 1993, and teacher since 1993.
  • Grundläggande miljökemi/Basic environmental chemistry, 5 hp (KE0054); developed the inorganic and atmospheric chemistry part of the course 2008, and teacher since 2008.
  • EXAFS for beginners, 4 hp (PNS0111), graduate course level; developed the course 2007, and teacher since 2007. The course is given once or twice annually in collaboration with MAX-lab, Lund University.
  • Comprehensive inorganic chemistry, 15 hp, graduate course level; developed the course, and teacher since 1990. The course is given each third year, last time 2014.
  • General chemistry, 5 hp (KE0049, KE0053); developed course.


Professor emeritus at the Department of Molecular Sciences; Oorganisk och fysikalisk kemi
Telephone: +4618671547
Postal address:
Institutionen för molekylära vetenskaper
Box 7015
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Almas allé 5, BioCentrum, Ultuna, Uppsala