SLU news

Sveriges Vattenmiljö – temporal trends in water quality

Published: 05 June 2019

For the first time an overall presentation of the environmental state in Swedens lakes, water courses and sea is available. On the webpage sverigesvattenmiljö.se you can compare temporal trends of the environmental state in different types of waters.

Statisticians at the department of energy and technology have been responsivle for the data handling and trend analysis made for freshwater. The work was conducted in collaboration with reserachers at the department of aquatic sciences and assessment and the department of aquatic resources.

The data presented collected in the environmental monitoring programs. Following the state of water in several different environments, like lakes and watercoures, and for a number of different variables allows a more complete evaluation and new interesting research questions, both in environmental science and in statistics.

This first version of Sveriges vattenmiljö is a result of a collaboration with both universities and agencies, The Swedish Agency for Marin and Water Management, HaV, and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency finance the environmental monitoring programs. The Swedish Institute of the Marine Environment works with method development and, environmental analysis of marine water. SLU is responsible for environmental analysis of freshwater.