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Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (SCAW)

There are 43 pages tagged with Swedish centre for animal welfare (SCAW):

Opinions of the Council

Here you can find the opinions of the Scientific Council for Animal Welfare The opinions are written in Swedish. If there is no link to a pdf-file, you can find the opinion in the report series of

DISA -Education program on animal welfare at the time of slaughter and other types of killing

Internet-based training material on slaughter and killing Staff at slaugtherhouses that work with the slaughter of production animals and for those who handle live animals there is a requirement of

Online courses

Here you will find recorded seminars and online courses in English. Most of our seminars and courses are held in Swedish. Please visit the Swedish version of this page for information about seminars

National projects

You can find more information about ongoing projects at SCAW on the Swedish version of this page.

Contact SCAW

Contact Contact elin.spangenberg@slu.se small black Contact SCAW

The Scientific Council for animal welfare

The Scientific Council is a risk assessment body for animal welfare. The Council identifies, compiles and evaluates scientific research on animal welfare and related issues, such as economics for

International projects

Information about SCAW:s international projects and collaborations

NCP Slaughter and killing

SCAW is Sweden's national contact point for slaughter and other types of killing

Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (SCAW)

SCAW is the national centre for animal welfare in Sweden. SCAW works nationally and internationally with animal welfare issues.

Reports from the Scientific Council for Animal Welfare

Here you can find reports from the Scientific Council for Animal Welfare. The reports are based on the opinions, they are written in Swedish but have an English summary.

NordCAW seminar 2023

On the 29th of November 2023, NordCAW arranged a seminar about the welfare of horses in equestrian sports. The seminar was held in Uppsala, Sweden. Equestrian sports engage many people, but face

Previous courses

Here you will find information on previous courses.
