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Upcoming events

All calendar events from SLU Aquaculture. At the bottom there is an archive for outdated events.

  • Monday, 26 August to Friday, 30 August

    AQUA 2024

    Blue Food production must increase! With the help of green solutions, this can happen. AQUA 2024 ...
  • Monday, 09 September to Thursday, 12 September

    Larvi 2024: 8th Fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium

    Most welcome to Larvi 2024, the 8th Fish and Shellfish Larviculture Symposium 9 to 12 September a...
  • Wednesday, 25 September to Thursday, 26 September

    Nordic conference on co-location of marine industries

    Focusing on offshore renewable energy, fisheries and aquaculture, this conference will highlight...
  • Wednesday, 20 November to Thursday, 21 November

    Aquaculture researcher's meeting 2024

    Welcome to a research meeting to enhance collaboration and networking within the aquaculture...
Published: 27 April 2022 - Page editor: aquaculture@slu.se