Transition pathways towards clearcut-free forest management alternatives: opportunities and challenges for different forest owner categories

Last changed: 27 November 2023
Four people are leaning over a kitchen table looking at a map. Photo.

The aim of this project is to support sustainable multifunctional forest landscapes by understanding how clearcut-free methods can be applied by different types of forest owners in a context dominated by industrial-scale clearcutting.

Sweden's intensive forest cropping system is a success story in terms of raw commodity production. However, a new mix of forest management methods is needed to meet Swedish and European environmental goals and growing climate adaptation challenges. This project focuses on understanding the diverse interests and experiences of different types of forest owners in order to identify potential transition pathways – including key challenges and opportunities – towards "clearcut-free" forest management methods in Sweden. This requires a holistic systems perspective, and we apply three main methodologies:

(1) qualitative systems dynamics to assess the influence of diverse economic, knowledge-based, institutional, social and biophysical factors on the use of “clearcut-free” methods amongst different forest owner categories. We collect data through interviews and interactive workshops at multiple levels. Results are based on qualitative models.

(2) a statistical meta-analysis of how different forest management systems, including “clearcut- free” methods, impact on economic, ecological and social values of forest landscapes, and

(3) spatial analyses of landscapes, to better understand the physical resources influencing “clearcut-free” initiatives, and to facilitate scaling up across regions. Results are based on maps, e.g., of suitability for different management methods.

Communication of results focuses on forestry educations that produce wood buyers and forest service advisors. Results will also be communicated to municipalities, forest owner organisations, government authorities, county boards and other relevant local and national NGOs.


Project title: Transition pathways towards clearcut-free forest management alternatives: opportunities and challenges for different forest owner categories.

The project is expected to be completed: August 2027

Financier: FORMAS