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Food Technology

This course is for you who want to learn more about foods and how they are produced. The course combines theory with practical exercises and study visits with the aim to give you a broad overview of technologies used in the food industry.

Production of high-quality foods requires understanding how quality aspects of foods such as composition, storage stability and sensory properties are affected by the properties of the raw material and manufacturing processes. In addition to knowledge of the subject, the course gives you tools for critical thinking, collaboration and development of various presentation techniques.

During the course, you will learn about the production of both animal- and vegetable foods through lectures, group work, laboratory work and problem solving. In addition to us teachers and researchers, you will also meet invited experts from different parts of the food industry.

Information from the course leader

Food Technology course start

Due to the Corona pandemic and the directive from the Swedish government that all university education should be conducted on distance, there will be large changes in the structure of the course. We will try to make the best out of the situation. Some lectures will be recorded and accessible through Canvas, some section will be live streamed via Zoom, while some sections may require that you study literature on your own. The mandatory parts of the course will be adapted so that they can be carried out, although in a slightly different form.

Our intention is to have the introduction to the course on 24th of March 2021, 10: 30 AM, in Zoom.
Passcode: FoodTech

This moment is mandatory and it is highly recommended that you attend the introduction, as you will have the opportunity to ask questions in real time.

Course leaders

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

LV0112-40123 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for LV0112

Academic year 2021/2022

Food Technology (LV0112-40095)

2022-03-24 - 2022-06-05

Academic year 2019/2020

Food Technology (LV0112-40035)

2020-03-25 - 2020-06-07

Syllabus and other information

Grading criteria

Lärandemål samt betygskriterier för LV0112 Livsmedelsteknologi, 15 hp

Lärandemål 1: Beskriva de vanligaste livsmedelsråvarorna samt redogöra för deras viktigaste kvalitetsegenskaper

Lärandemål 2: Beskriva de processer som omvandlar och förädlar olika råvaror till de vanligaste livsmedelsprodukterna

Lärandemål 3: Redogöra för samband mellan råvarans sammansättning, processbarhet och produktkvalitet

Lärandemål 1*

Lärandemål 2*

Lärandemål 3*



Generellt beskriva de vanligaste livsmedelsråvarorna samt redogöra för deras viktigaste kvalitetsegenskaper med användning av relevant terminologi

Generellt beskriva de processer som omvandlar och förädlar olika råvaror till de vanligaste livsmedelsprodukterna med användning av relevant terminologi

Redogöra för hur råvarans sammansättning och struktur förändras under processning



Ingående beskriva de vanligaste livsmedelsråvarorna samt redogöra för deras viktigaste kvalitetsegenskaper.

Ingående beskriva viktiga processteg vid livsmedelstillverkning

Ingående redogöra för hur sammansättning och struktur hos råvarorna förändras under process och hur förändringen påverkar egenskaper hos det färdiga livsmedlet



Utvärdera hur produktens egenskaper och kvalitet påverkas av råvarans sammansättning och vilka konsekvenser dessa råvaror har för processbarheten

*För att student ska kunna få högre betyg än godkänt (4 eller 5) ställs krav på att inlämningsuppgifter i kursen ska vara avklarade inom utsatt tid. Högre betyg än godkänt kan erhållas till och med 1:a möjliga omtentamenstillfälle.

Litterature list

  1. The book Food Processing Technology - Principles and Practice ISBN: 978-0-08-101907-8 [The book Food Processing Technology - Principles and Practice ] ( Kommentar: The book is available as an E-book via Knovel or Elsevire.

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38054 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1F)
Subject: Food Science Biology Food science
Course code: LV0112 Application code: SLU-40123 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: English Responsible department: Department of Molecular Sciences Pace: 100%