14 Sep
30 Nov

Uppsala, Uppsala

PhD Course Systems Analysis, Model Building and Simulation, 6.0 (+1.5) ECTS

A basic and introductory course in systems analysis and modelling will be given at SLU, 24/9 – 27/10. Emphasis is put on modelling and simulation of static and dynamic systems which are often used in environmental science. You will get basic knowledge and insights in systems analysis philosophy, methods and applications. The course gives you 6 ECTS. In conjunction with this course, on 14-17 September, there is a possibility to participate in a concentrated course at Bogesund hotel (north of Stockholm), jointly organized by Stockholm University and SLU. The focus is applied systems analysis primarily with economic, technical and societal aspects, and with top international researchers in the area. Full accommodation and free of charge. However, there is a limited number of places, but priority will be given to FoSW members. Last date of application is 18th of May. This part will give 1.5 ECTS.

The course is intended to give basic knowledge and insights in systems analysis philosophy, methods and applications. Emphasis is put on modelling and simulation of static and dynamic systems.


The course starts with an optional week overview of systems analysis with lectures and seminars in cooperation with a PhD course at Stockholm University (Advanced Systems Analysis:
economic, technical, and societal aspects- Module A.). This parts is optional, but highly recommended with top international researchers contributing to the course. The course (14-17 September) will be located at Bogesundsgården in the Stockholm archipelago. Accommodation and meals will be of free charge. There is a limited amount of places and priority will be given to FoSW PhD students. This part will give 1.5 ECTS.  For more detailed information and application see attached documents.

The second part of the course is located at SLU and deals with the fundamentals of systems philosophy with stress on concepts such as "system", "model", "purpose", "feed-back", "relation between structure and behaviour" etc. An important part of the course treats how to carry out a systems analysis project including: defining the problem in operational terms, modelling, validation, problem solving, result evaluation, result presentation and implementation.

The major part of the course is devoted to practising different types of model building and simulation of static as well as dynamic and deterministic as well as stochastic systems. Also techniques like sensitivity analysis, model fitting and optimisation will be treated and exercised. The course will consist of lectures and laboratory exercises.


Time: 2015-09-14 - 2015-11-30
City: Uppsala
Location: Uppsala
Organiser: FoSW
Additional info:

For registration at the first optional week for Modul A in the Advanced Systems Analysis:
economic, technical, and societal aspects in cooperation with Stockholm University send your application to norcosa@dsv.su.se and Hans Liljenström. Last date of application for this part is 18 of May 2015.

For registration at the second part of the course "Systems Analysis, Model Building and Simulation, 6.0 ECTS" send your application to Hans Liljenström.  In the application you should state

1. Affiliation

2. If FoSW member
