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Focus on Infectious diseases and AMR

Infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), including antibiotic resistance, is a major challenge for animal husbandry and food security worldwide. Combating infectious diseases and AMR requires multidisciplinary global research. Here we present a selection of SLU's research projects, publications and current calls in the field.

AMR research projects at SLU

Effective Livestock Production with Low Use of Antibiotics

Learn what antibiotic resistance is and how to prevent it while increasing productivity among your livestock in this massive open online course.

An African man walking next to his herd of cows. Photo.

Antibiotic resistance – the silent pandemic

The consumption of antibiotics in the world is increasing, and bacteria are becoming ever more resistant to this vital medical tool. Here we present two stories that exemplify how SLU contributes to this fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Culturing bacteria in petri dishes at a lab at SLU, photo.
Virus and DNA-string in magnification, photo.

Collaboration & networking

Through collaboration between scientists nationally and internationally, SLU contribute new knowledge within  the area of infections diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

Swedish work towards low use of antibiotics

Read the report from SLU Future One Health on the Swedish efforts towards a low and prudent use of antibiotics in animal production.

Two veterinarians with cows indoors, photo.

What does the concept of One Health mean?

We share our lives with animals och we are affected by each other's health. We are also affected by the environment we live in. In this short film, we try to explain how everything is connected, the so-called One Health concept.

The threat to antibiotics

The use of antibiotics is threatened. Incorrect and excessive use of antibiotics has caused resistant bacteria to spread rapidly in the world. This is how it is connected.

Published: 06 September 2024 - Page editor: futureonehealth@slu.se