Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Division of Geochemistry and Hydrology
The aim of the project was to develop a tool for estimating the long-term sensitivity of surface waters to acidification from forest biomass extraction due to depletion of base cations.
The project 'Acidification of surface waters due to forest biofuel extraction - development of a classification tool' started in 2011 was finished in 2017.
The energy policy, the environmental quality objective 'only natural acidification', the sector objective to reduce forestry-related acidification and the EU Water framework Directive have all highlighted how forest biomass extraction affects the acidification status of lakes and streams. The Energy, Environmental Protection and Forestry Agencies have identified a substantial need for research on this issue. Our aim was to develop a tool for estimating the long-term sensitivity of surface waters to acidification from forest biomass extraction due to depletion of organic acids neutralized
by base cations. The work was based on results from two previous STEM projects, monitoring, long-term research and dynamic modelling.
The project had a budget of 2 000 000 SEK and is financed by The Swedish Energy Agency.
Participating from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment: Stefan Löfgren, Stefan Hellgren.
Partners were also Bengt Olsson from the Department of Ecology (SLU) and Therese Zetterberg at IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute.