15 Mar

Tanngrisner 2, VHC, Uppsala

Cat and Dog Research in a One Health Perspective

seminars, workshops |

Welcome to a seminar on Cat and Dog Research in a One Health Perspective! The concept “One Health” is the interface between animal, human and ecosystem health. To understand the complex interface between these areas, a multidisciplinary approach and collaboration between several scientific disciplines is needed.

The Small animals committee at the VH Faculty, in collaboration with the SLU One Health Platform, invites researchers to present research concerning dogs and cats in a One Health perspective. We invite presentations on planned, ongoing and completed projects. The aim is to inform each other and facilitate collaborations within the One Health area involving cats and dogs.

Register by sending an e-mail to Smadjurskommitten@slu.se.

Include the following information:
• Your name, title and affiliation
• Title of your presentation
• Status of the research (planned/ongoing/completed)
• A short description of the presentation (maximum 500 characters with spaces)

The definitive programme, including time for the different presentations, will be distributed 28 February. There will only be oral presentations.

Very Welcome!
The Small Animals Committee


Time: 2023-03-15 13:00 - 16:30
City: Uppsala
Location: Tanngrisner 2, VHC
Organiser: Small animals committee at the VH Faculty and SLU One Health Platform
Last signup date: 8 March 2023
