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Swedish Livestock Research Centre

SLU Lövsta lantbruksforskning

The Swedish Livestock Research Centre - Lövsta lantbruksforskning

The research centre is an important resource for research and education on dairy cattle, pigs and poultry in housing solutions that are suitable for both research and education. On an average ten projects are running daily and the students at the faculty of veterinary medicine and animal science, VH, will be taught here at some point during their education. 

Nearby is a field station which runs about 70 agricultural trials and farms approximately 70 hectares around Uppsala.

Since January 1st, 2023, Röbäcksdalens dairy research facility in Umeå, is part of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, and of the Swedish Livestock Research Centre.

Quality Assurance in Research

The Swedish Livestock Research Centre has the prerequisites to perform quality-assured research into animal welfare, behaviour and health, animal environment and care and building function, sustainable and climate-smart food production.

Facilities represent technology at the forefront of development

The facilities for the animals represent technology at the forefront of development with around 30 employees with long and documented experience of animal care, trials and production. The production, consumption, behaviour, reproduction and health of the animals are recorded continuously. This gives you a resource, which shows you the possibilities and safguards your trials.

The animals are central in the research, education and basic food production

The animals are central in the research and education, but are also part of the facility´s basic food production. The goal for the Swedish Research Centre at SLU, is to be at the forefront of animal production and agriculture and to offer the researchers of SLU, international researchers and researchers from private enterprise an excellent environment for research and education in a modern farming facility.

Logotype ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

The Swedish Livestock Research Centre and the Röbäcksdalens Dairy Research facility fulfills the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard; in addition, the Swedish Livestock Research Centre also fulfills the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. 

We follow  SLU’s environmental policy


History of Lövsta

Plant science experiments were carried out at Funbo-Lövsta already by the middle of the 18th century. The experiments were an important stepping stone to the research carried out by SLU today. [Image] The first sod of soil is turned at the site of the new building the Swedish Livestoch Research Centre at SLU Lövsta 2009. The Swedish Minister of Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson cuts the first sod, flanked by SLUs former Vice-Chancellor Lisa Sennerby Forsse (left) and Arvid Uggla, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at SLU (right).

The first sod of soil is turned at the Swedish Livestock research center, SLU in 2009. photo

Biogas and slaughterhouse

In the vicinity of the research center there is a biogas facility and a slaughterhouse.

Biogas facility adjacent to the Swedish livestock research center, SLU. photo

Conference facility

At the research centre we offer rooms for conference and education purposes.

Conference facilities at the Swedish livestock research center, SLU. photo.
Published: 05 July 2024 - Page editor: yvonne.hallen@slu.se

The Swedish Livestock Research Centre at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU in Uppsala

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science

Head of the Swedish Livestock Research Centre: Mats Pehrsson +4618671905

Postal address: SLU, VHI Lövsta forskningscentrum driftkontor och konferensavdelning P.O. Box 7064, SE-750 07  Uppsala, Sweden

Visiting address: Funbo-Lövsta 27, Uppsala, Sweden

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