Nutrition and health indicators in Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of food products
Within the project, various methods for measuring nutrient density and its suitability and possibility for use in life cycle analyzes (LCA) of food have been evaluated. The nutrient density index "Nutrient Rich Food" can be a useful indicator to describe the health effects of food and diet and to help the consumer choose more healthy foods.
What we eat and how food is produced affects public health, the environment and the climate. Obtaining new knowledge that contributes to more sustainable food consumption and production is therefore extremely important. This research project aimed for a more sustainable milk production. In the project, the climate impact of food has been linked to their nutritional value, by using a nutritional quality index as a functional unit in life cycle analyses.
– In the Western world, the main public diseases are linked to diet. A change in diet and food production has great potential to improve both health and environmental sustainability. We have evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of combining environmental, nutritional value and health aspects in life cycle analyses, says Marta Bianchi, who has been responsible for the analysis.
Read more on the Swedish version of this page.
Project leaders:
Ulf Sonesson and Marta Angela Bianchi, RISE -Research Institutes of Sweden, 010-516 66 17
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