Shea contributes to the financial independence of rural women in Burkina Faso

Last changed: 12 July 2021

This short film takes you to the rural areas of Burkina Faso, where you will meet some women telling you about the importance of shea trees for independence and how to make shea butter. The film was produced as part of a project in the AgriFoSe2030 programme, theme 2.

Film about rural women in Burkina Faso

French title: Le karité contribue à l'autonomie financière de la femme rural au Burkina Faso

A collaboration

This video was produced through collaborative efforts and joint learning by Dr Josias Sanou at the Environmental Institute for Agricultural Research (INERA) in Burkina Faso, Dr Hugues R. Bazie at the University of Ouaga 1 Professor Ki-Zerbo, and the communications officer of the AgriFoSe2030 programme, Anneli Sundin, with the guidance of AgriFoSe2030 Theme 2 leader Madelene Oswald. Dr Sanou and Dr Bazie received basic filming equipment from the programme and training in how to film and interview people with mobile phones. Together they developed a storyline for the video and planned for interviews. They included perspectives not only from the researchers, but also from an NGO, the farmers (woman and man) as well as extension officers. Parklands are important for many different groups and sectors, why each group’s knowledge and perspectives for sustainable management of parklands are needed.

How will the video be used?

The researchers will screen the video material at various events and meetings in Burkina Faso to disseminate knowledge on sustainable management of parklands. It will be used to both increase awareness on the role of parklands in Burkina Faso, as well as to lift their significance for livelihoods and ecosystem services to the policy making community, to make sure they are managed sustainably for generations to come.

En Francais: Ce court métrage vous emmène dans les zones rurales du Burkina Faso, où vous rencontrerez des agriculteurs, des agents de vulgarisation et des chercheurs travaillant sur la façon de gérer les parcs plus durables. Le film a été produit dans le cadre d'un projet du programme AgriFoSe2030.

Find out more

Gain more insights about this project from this news story about the “Innovative Platforms” (IPs) that the researchers at INERA and the University of Ouaga 1 Professor Ki-Zerbo, developed together with the communities of several different villages in Burkina. The IPs are a type of network aiming to create synergy between stakeholders in order to increase ecosystem functions of trees in parklands.

