WetKit Hydro-ES : Wetland Toolkit for Hydrological Ecosystem Services

Last changed: 04 August 2023

The overall goal of this project is to provide practitioners, land owners, water managers and relevant authorities with a toolkit to evaluate and promote the implementation of wetlands in agricultural landscapes. This toolkit will support a holistic and multi-functional approach to climate adaptation in line with existing socio-economic and institutional contexts by optimizing the delivery of hydrologically related ecosystem services (ES) with a view to maximizing co-benefits whilst minimizing negative consequences.

Different measurements of constructed wetlands will be performed, together with compilations of earlier measurement results and modelling with different tools.

Research questions

  1. What is the impact of constructed agricultural wetlands on hydrologic processes at ​a local and a catchment scale?
  2. What is the best way to optimize wetland multifunctionality?
  3. Controlled and uncontrolled factors influencing wetland hydrologic functioning and ​multifunctionality?
  4. How are agricultural wetlands perceived by relevant stakeholders?

The project is focusing on three aspects of constructed agricultural wetlands:

  1. Hydrological ES which increases as resilience to extreme climate events (flood and drought mitigation, wetter soils, groundwater recharge, evaporative cooling),
  2. Other benefits (nutrient retention, carbon sequestration, maintenance of biodiversity) and
  3. Related trade-offs (loss of productive land, greenhouse gas (GHG) production).


The project leader is Martyn Futter from the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment (SLU) is leading the project. From the same department do also Dennis Collentine, Faruk Djodjic, Pia Geranmayeh, and Mike Peacock participate. Other participants are Joachim Audet (University of Aarhus), Malgorzata Blicharska (Uppsala University) and Johan Heurgren (Heurgren Film AB).


The project is financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Formas  

The project is running during 2020-2023.