Ash for removing carbon dioxide during production of liquefied biogas

Last changed: 12 April 2021

Liquified biogas (LBG) is produced by reducing the temperature to < -161 °C. The carbon dioxide concentration in the biogas must be < 50 ppm and it is costly to reach that level. There is a need to develop novel and cost-efficient methods for achieving carbon dioxide removal at very low concentrations. RISE (former JTI) is the project leader and the other participating partners are Biogas Öst, IVL Swedish environmental Institute and Swedish Biogas International.

The objective of the project is to study the possibilities of using wood ash for cleaning biogas to < 50 ppm. In addition, the system for logistics and handling of ash is modelled with discrete-event simulation.

Participants from the department: Åke Nordberg and Anders Eriksson

The project is financed by Vinnova

Contact Åke Nordberg,