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Environmental engineering

This includes e.g. energy systems, remote sensing and environmental management.

There are 40 pages tagged with Environmental engineering:

Selecting the right tree species a possible key to sustainable forestry in the tropics

Rainforests on Borneo have experienced large scale losses because of both unsustainable forestry and the expansion of oil palm plantations. Meanwhile the resources from the tropical forests are


Interested in knowing more about how SLU contributes to the Baltic Sea Science Center (BSSC)? Please get in touch with any of the persons listed below. Experts in "Kunskapsrådet" for BSSC at SLU The


Interested in the Baltic Sea? Discover all about it at the Baltic Sea Science Center (BSSC) at Skansen, Stockholm, or join our digital events. SLU proudly contributes to the content of the

Biochar systems

Biochar is the carbon rich material produced from biomass which has large potential to provide negative greenhouse gas emissions as a stable carbon stock in soil, alongside other climate and

Our newsletters

SLU Water Forum sends out newsletters twice a year. Below you will find our previous letters. The first one came in the autumn 2020. SLU Water Forum newsletter autumn 2023 . Several early career

SLU Water Forum

Water is essential to life. At SLU more than 400 researchers and experts work with water-related issues, from source to sea. Our knowledge contributes to achieving the global sustainable development

Videos about water

At SLU, we conduct research on water in forest, agricultural and urban landscapes, drinking water, reuse and cycling of water, aquatic and fish ecology in lakes, watercourses and seas, bio economy,

Contact a researcher

Do you want to get in touch with a researcher? Do you have a question about water and fish? We hope you will find the right person to ask below. SLU Departments Several of SLU’s departments have


Research at SLU develops knowledge about the biological natural resources and man’s management and sustainable use of them. Water is an integrated and important part of this work and SLU has

Department of Biosystems and Technology

At the Department of Biosystems and Technology we explore interactions between soil, plants, animals, environment, climate and humans in systems for sustainable production of food and renewable raw

Webinar: How can we quantify climate effects of fast-growing broadleaf trees?

stina.johannesson@slu.se Trees For Me, the national centre of excellence focused on fast-growing broadleaf trees, invites you to a webinar on how fast-growing broadleaf trees and its products affect

Agricultural Engineering

We explore the technology and systems needed to achieve a sustainable agricultural sector, a condition for a sustainable society. Our research is conducted at system as well as detail level.
