About SLU's environmental data catalogue

Last changed: 02 July 2024
Handwritten protocol from environmental monitoring. Photo.

The environmental data catalogue contains descriptions of openly available data from SLU's environmental monitoring and assessment. The catalogue makes it easier to find and download data from our many monitoring programmes and environmental assessment projects.

The environmental data catalogue was launched in 2022 and is continuously updated with new data descriptions.

What data is described in SLU's environmental data catalogue?

The environmental data catalogue contains descriptions of data from SLU's environmental monitoring and assessment. Some of the data has been collected in collaborative projects (e.g., in collaboration with other authorities), some data has been collected by other organisations but is managed by SLU (e.g., the Swedish historical phenology dataset). The catalogue also includes descriptions of data deriving from research that is similar to environmental monitoring and assessment data and collected with methods alike (e.g., SITES Water).

All data (or at times sub-sets of the data) described in the environmental data catalogue are openly available. Note however that the catalogue itself does not host actual data but rather descriptions of the data (metadata) and links to websites, from where the data can be downloaded.

SLU's work with open data

Open science and in particular open data are part of SLU’s strategy for 2021–2025. Moreover, in 2022 SLU adopted a data management policy that states, among other things, that data from research as well as environmental monitoring and assessment shall be as openly accessible as possible and as limited as necessary. And, one of SLU’s environmental objectives is to increase the use of data generated by environmental monitoring and assessment among decision-makers, authorities, researchers, and the general public. SLU has also signed and is working in line with a government-wide strategy for environmental data management (pdf in Swedish) to promote easy access to environmental data.

Open research data

Data deriving from SLU's research is also made openly available in many cases, through, for instance, the Swedish National Data Service's research data catalogue, various data repositories (e.g. Dryad, Figshare), or together with articles published in scientific journals.

Official statistics from SLU

SLU's data hosting

On behalf of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, SLU is the data host for certain data collected through national and regional environmental monitoring.

Contact us

The environmental data catalogue is managed by the Unit for Data Management Guidance and Development. For questions about the catalogue, please contact us (miljodatastod@slu.se). For questions about specific datasets, contact persons listed in the data descriptions.


The Unit for Data Management Guidance and Development

The Unit for Data Management Guidance and Development is part of DMS, a division of the SLU Univeristy Library that assists everyone at SLU with the management, publication and long-term preservation of research and environmental monitroing data, the creation of data management plans, and other data management issues.