SLU news

Advanced workshops for African bioinformatics excellence

Published: 11 January 2024

In the rapidly evolving field of bioinformatics, workshops play a crucial role in fostering knowledge sharing, collaboration, and capacity development among African students and researchers in advanced bioinformatics. In late autumn 2023, the two collaborative projects between SLU and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), EpiCass and CassavaNet4Dev, organised a comprehensive four-day workshop held simultaneously across three African countries — Ethiopia, Kenya, and Nigeria.

The workshop aimed to equip attendees with essential bioinformatics data analysis skills. Despite logistical challenges such as time zone differences and power disruptions, the workshop successfully leveraged virtual learning platforms and engaged workshop resource personnel to ensure a valuable learning experience. Valuable feedback from participants highlighted the need for extended workshop durations, group discussions, and preparatory assignments for future workshops.

Plans for 2024 include organising a bioinformatics hackathon centered on cassava epigenetics. This event will engage bioinformatics researchers who were previously involved in the workshop and plant breeders from the region, providing them with insights into EpiCass’s research endeavors to unravel the epigenetic variations influenced by viral resistance and yield in cassava.

Read the original article about the workshops at the IITA web site.


The EpiCass and CassavaNet4Dev projects aim to train researchers in the workshops, enhance future collaborations, and grow a vibrant network of African bioinformatics researchers. The projects also aim to investigate the influence of epigenetic changes on agricultural traits such as yield and virus resistance. 

EpiCass and CassavaNet4Dev are collaborative projects funded by the Swedish Research Council between the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).