A digital workshop on how to get ideas for PhD research

Last changed: 12 June 2020
PhD forum May 2020

How do you find topics for research papers/how do I structure the parts of my thesis?

In a digital workshop in May 2020, chaired by our facilitator Amalia Engström, we discussed How do you find topics for research papers/how do I structure the parts of my thesis. Many of us seemed to agree that this is surely a ‘black box’ of research that many of us struggle with, and it still remains after our discussions! A common challenge was how to document and structure the idea development and give the ideas (ourselves and each other) enough time and attention. Tools discussed were for example mind mapping, free writing down your thoughts, going for a walk. A struggle remaining for us to explore is how to organize ideas and the “sea of information” that the internet provides us with. 

One of the father’s in the group shared this beautiful short story about What to do with an idea? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxtvhISKsR8 that we encourage you all to watch. Let’s all cherish our ideas, stay with them, protect them from scolding and allow them to grow. Who knows what ideas might change the world.


Mia Ågren
Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Landscape Architecture 

Telephone: +4618672549
E-mail: mia.agren@slu.se