Green multi-sensory indoor environments for increased well-being

Last changed: 18 February 2022
A garden, photo.

There is consensus that green outdoor environments are good for our health. At the same time, the opportunities for using green urban environments as a resource for recovery, stress reduction and possible reduction of pain are reduced as cities become denser. In addition, possibilities to spend time in green areas is very limited in countries with a long winter, such as Sweden, where people spend up to 85% of their time indoors or in a car. This project aims to increase the knowledge about how and if creating green indoor environments contributes to positive health effects.

The project description is currently only available in Swedish, go to the Swedish version of this page to read more and to find contact details for the researchers involved.


The one-year project was launched in 2019 and was financed by SLU Future One Health (previously SLU Future Animals, Nature and Health).

SLU Future One Health supports interdisciplinary research that is part of the One Health concept – optimal health and welfare for both humans and animals in sustainable ecosystems.

Read more about SLU Future One Health, ongoing research projects and forthcoming funding opportunities.