SCAW:s mission

Last changed: 11 December 2023

The National Center for Animal Welfare, SCAW, was established in 2008 to gather expertise, and coordinate activities, in the field of animal welfare.

Expert function

SCAW regularly responds to referrals and inquiries concerning animal welfare. SCAW consults experts from the academy to provide scientifically based answers to inquiries.


SCAW does not distribute research funding and does not conduct research. SCAW instead gather current scientific knowledge through contact with researchers, and pass on this knowledge to other actors.


SCAW arranges seminars and courses, for the industry, trade organizations, and for authorities.  You can read more about SCAWs seminars and courses here.

International collaborations

SCAW collaborates internationally with several countries in Europe.
SCAW is part of NordCAW, which is a Nordic collaboration in animal welfare communication. You can read more about NordCAW here.
Since 2019, SCAW, together with IZSAM in Italy, is an OIE-collaborating centre for animal welfare. You can read more about the OIE center here. Since 2021, SCAW is also coordinating an European Reference Centre for animal welfare for ruminants and equines, EURCAW-RE.

