Outputs from AgriFoSe2030
Last changed: 12 July 2021
AgriFoSe2030 contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land. Policy briefs, reports, annual reports and scientific articles from the programme are listed here.
Policy briefs
- August 2020. Gestion des parcs agroforestiers pour une production durable au Burkina Faso (French)
This brief is about parkland management in Burkina Faso - July 2020. Sustainable intensification and food security.
This brief can be referred as: AgriFose2030, 2020. Sustainable intensification and food security. AgriFoSe2030 brief. - May 2020. Addressing the non-responsiveness of crops to fertilizers under some soils in sub-Saharan Africa
- April 2020. Regreening the drylands – fodder groups as a potential pathway for upscaling commercial fodder production
- March 2020. Reaching sustainable intensification in Kenya by involving female smallholders
- March 2020. Botanicals and plant resistance inducers: Potential alternatives to pesticides in Africa
- March 2020. Beyond subsistence: Transforming aquaculture in Kenya
- January 2020. Taking into account regional agricultural conditions in policy reforms – the case of Tanzania
- December 2019. Modelling soil organic carbon in agroforestry system
- October 2019. Restore more: enclosures, dryland productivity and the food security nexus
- September 2019. Demographic Challenges for Agriculture in Tanzania
- September 2019. Commercial Shrimp-farming in South-west Bangladesh: Challenges and opportunities for policy interventions
- September 2019. Agroforestry as a multifunctional landscaping tool in the char land area of Bangladesh
- September 2019. Potential negative impacts of non-farm activities to rural households and communities in Viet Nam
- September 2019. Agronomic bio-fortification of sub-Saharan soils and crops – an opportunity to alleviate hidden hunger
- June 2019. Participatory methods to achieve sustainable management of Shea tree farming in Burkina Faso
- April 2019. Agricultural research: Bring your knowledge to policy and practice
- January 2019. Overcoming barriers and seizing opportunities in Tanzanian smallholder farming
- October 2018. Slaughter hygiene and meat safety in Uganda
- October 2018. Closing gender gaps in agriculture – a catalyst for poverty reduction in Malawi
- September 2018. Opportunities and challenges for food security in Uganda
- June 2018. Improving possibilities for goat production in Savannaket province, Lao PDR
- June 2018. Improving crop productivity and mitigating climate change by building up carbon stocks in soils of East Africa
- June 2018. Local and regional variations in conditions for agriculture and food security in Kenya.
- June 2018. Livestock interventions in low-income countries: What works and why?
- June 2018. Knowledge exchange to promote sustainable development of small-scale aquaculture
- June 2018. Does labour invested in sustainable intensification practices give sufficient yield returns?
- April 2018. Gender issues in contemporary research on agriculture for food security. Knowledge gaps and key issues across the AgriFoSe2030 themes
This brief can be referred as: AgriFose2030, 2018. Gender issues in contemporary research on agriculture for food security: Knowledge gaps and key issues across the AgriFoSe2030 themes. AgriFoSe2030 brief.
- June 2017. What do we know about food security in homegardens of Sri Lanka?
- May 2017. Agriculture for Food Security (AgriFoSe2030) Translating science into policy and practice
Briefs in collaboration with ILRI/ReSAKSS
- November 2019. Drought risks livelihood in Laikipia County
- November 2019. Threats to potato production in Nyandarua County
- October 2019. How climate change awareness influences agronomic practices and biochar adoption
- October 2019. Credit-assisted microenterprises: what this means to households’ income and livelihoods in Kakamega county
- October 2019. Enhancing sustainability in African catfish: seed supply for improved production in Kenya
- October 2019. Living with droughts in asals: Integrating scientific forecasts with indigenous knowledge
- September 2019. Conventional agriculture: Still a viable solution to food security in the ASALS
- September 2019. Climat change education: The paradox to sustainable food security in Kenya
- September 2019. Passion fruit woodiness disease: Killing the passion of smallholder farmers in Kenya
- September 2019. Somaliland Gold under threat of extinction! Frankincense Trees!
- Declining soil fertility in Kenya's grain basket: A threat to food security soil factors that constrain crop production in Kenya
- September 2019. Improved sorghum variety: A forgotten gold in the Kenyan drylands
- September 2019. Billions lost to human wildlife conflicts!
- September 2019. Save the Mau catchment through peace: Integrating mediation in resolving forest conflicts
- September 2019. Community wildlife conservancy model: An enabler to sustainable pastoral livelihoods
- September 2019. Mangrove degradation; Reversing the trend through community engagement
- August 2019. Wetlands - The dying ecosystems
- July 2019. An economical and sustainable managemnt strategy of fall army warms (Spodoptera frugiperda) in maize
- Consumption of soil materials by pregnant women: a threat to their food safety and nutrition
- Biofertilizers: The neglected jewel Kenya must reclaim
- April 2019. The Solanum nigrum complex: The solution to common infectious diseases in the developing countries
- Blaming "DAP fertilizer" is missing the point
- Enhancing food security in Kenya through predictive maize breeding method: A new way to develop high yielding maize varieties
- Collaborative learning for improved milk production on smallholder dairy farms
- Post harvest food losses: the maize we must jealously not lose
- A food safety move to eliminate in-feed antibiotics increases piglets' sulfur amino acids requirement
- Improved food security through stem borer pest resistant maize hybrids
- Drastic massive loss of women's diet diversity due to change in season
- Maize leaf diseases: A curse to food security in Kenya
- June 2019. Improving tick-borne diseases control in Kenya: a strategy to incorporate multiple approaches
- November 2018. ILRI and AgriFose2030 support Kenyan scientists to disseminate their research in a policy dialogue and dissemination forum
- October 2018. Improving camel milk quality and safety for higher incomes for pastoralists
- October 2018. Safe traditional vegetables for increased income, food security and nutrition
- October 2018. Droughts in Eastern Kenya: What this means for drought management
- October 2018. Improving tick-borne diseases control in Kenya: A strategy to incorporate multiple approaches
- October 2018. Prickly pear cactus invasion: a major threat to biodiversity and food security in the drylands of Kenya
- October 2018. Looming threat from disease: a wake up call for Kenyan tilapia fish production
- October 2018. In the "Big Four", food security looms tall - but not without irrigated wheat
- October 2018. Replenish millions of Kenyan household's granaries through forest restoration
- October 2018. Conservation agriculture: can it safeguard our soils?
- October 2018. Awakening the underutilised potential of tourism at the Mount Elgon protected areas, Trans Nzoia and Bungoma counties
- October 2018. Urban agriculture: The neglected gem for food security in Kenya
- October 2018. Commercial pasture production and its economic feasibility in asal counties