Outputs from AgriFoSe2030

Last changed: 12 July 2021
Two women at a food market outdoors, photo.

AgriFoSe2030 contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land. Policy briefs, reports, annual reports and scientific articles from the programme are listed here.

Policy briefs

Briefs in collaboration with ILRI/ReSAKSS


AgriFoSe report 26, 2020. "Urban agriculture policy and practice in Kenya"

AgriFoSe report 25, 2020. "Investigating the Communicating of Science"

AgriFoSe report 24, 2020. "Adaptation to climate stresses through farmers’ choice of rice variety – Findings from a path-analytical model for rice farming in Bangladesh"

AgriFoSe report 23, 2020. "Vermi-composting for increased agricultural productivity, women empowerment and environmental sanitation in northern Ethiopia"

AgriFoSe report 22, 2020. "Cultural and demographic conditions for smallholder-based agriculture and food security in Malawi"

AgriFoSe report 21, 2020. "Women farmers in Uganda: Constraints and ways forward"

AgriFoSe report 20, 2020. "Smallholder farming in Tanzania: Opportunities for improved food security"

AgriFoSe report 19, 2019. "Transforming urban idle spaces into green, productive and aesthetic landscapes - The case of Cape Coast, Ghana"

AgriFoSe report 18, 2019. "The importance of inspection and certification in sustainable production of cassava in East Africa: A case for Uganda and Rwanda"

AgriFoSe report 17, 2019 "Synthesis of Ethiopia’s NDC and national polices with focus on agriculture and land use"

AgriFoSe report 16. 2019. "Rural transformation and economy in Viet Nam - Progress in eradicating poverty, hunger and malnutrition"

AgriFoSe reports 15, 2019. "Intergenerational challenges for agriculture and rural livelihoods in Tanzania"

AgriFoSe report 14, 2019 "Commercial shrimpfarming in south-west Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Interventions"

AgriFoSe report 13, 2019 "Local and regional variations in conditions for agricultural and food security in Tanzania"

AgriFoSe report 12, 2018 "A report from the AgriFoSe2030 workshop: How to bridge policy and science: fostering dialogue between science, policy and practice. 26–27 January 2018"

AgriFoSe report 11, 2018 "Household level rainwater harvesting in the drylands of northern Ethiopia: its role for food and nutrition security"

AgriFoSe report 10, 2018 "Local and regional variations in conditions for agriculture and food security in Tanzania: A review"

AgriFoSe report 9, 2018 "Agricultural policy baseline report - Bangladesh"

AgriFoSe report 8, 2018 "Gender segmented markets and production systems in Malawi"

AgriFoSe report 7, 2018 "Local and regional variations in conditions for agriculture and food security in Kenya"

AgriFoSe report 6, 2018 "Gendered land rights and access to land in countries experiencing declining farm size"

AgriFoSe report 5, 2018 "Local and regional variations in conditions for agriculture and food security in Uganda"

AgriFoSe report 4, 2018 "A review of Uganda’s agricultural policy and how it addresses AgriFose2030’s target groups"

AgriFoSe report 3, 2017 "A report from the AgriFoSe2030 workshop: How to bridge policy and science: fostering dialogue between science, practice and policy"

AgriFoSe report 2, 2017 "Gender and generational aspects of sustainable intensification – social-economic dimensions of Kenyan smallholder based agriculture and food security"

AgriFoSe report 1, 2017 "Agricultural policy in sub-Saharan Africa and its relevance for smallholder farmers, women and youth - A policy baseline report for sub-Saharan Africa at the continental, regional and national level"

Reports in collaboration with other parties

Nyawira S.S.; Sommer R. 2018. East Africa Soil Carbon Workshop – Science to inform policy. Technical Report. CIAT Publication No. 468. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Nairobi, Kenya. 14 p.

Scientific articles

  1. Precision agriculture research in sub-Saharan Africa countries: a systematic map. Nyaga J, Onyango C, Wetterlind J, Söderström M
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11119-020-09780-w. 2021

  2. Precision Agriculture for Resource Use Efficiency in Smallholder Farming Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. Onyango C, Nyaga J, Wetterlind J, Söderström M, Piikki K
    https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/3/1158. 2021

  3. Soil organic carbon in agricultural systems of six countries in East Africa – a literature review of status and carbon sequestration potential. Namirembe S, Piikki K, Sommer R, Söderström M, Tessema B, Nyawira SS. 2020

  4. Micronutrient deficiencies in African soils and the human nutritional nexus: opportunities with staple crops. Kihara J, Bolo P, Kinyua M, Rurinda J, Piikki K. 2020.
  5. Potential for soil organic carbon sequestration in grasslands in East African countries: A review.  Tessema B, Sommer R, Piikki K, Söderström M, Namirembe S, Notenbaert A, Tamene L, Nyawira S, Paul B. 2019.
  6. The Need of a Structured Tilapia Breeding Program in Tanzania to Enhance Aquaculture Production: A Review. Kajungiro R, Mapenzi L, Nyinondi C, Haldén AN, Mmochi A, Chacha M, Mtolera M, Lamtane H, de Koning DJ. 2019.
  7. Gendered land rights, legal reform and social norms in the context of land fragmentation - A review of the literature for Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. Andersson Djurfeldt A. 2019.
  8. Botanicals and plant strengtheners for potato and tomato cultivation in Africa. Mulugeta T, Muhinyuza J-B, Gouws-Meyer R, Matsaunyane L, Andreasson E, Alexandersson E. 2019.  
  9. Antibiotic Use by Small‐Scale Farmers for Freshwater Aquaculture in the Upper Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Hallenberg Ström G, Björklund H, Barnes AC, Thi Da C, Yen Nhi NH, Thi La T, Magnusson U, Norman Haldén A, Boqvist S. 2019.
  10. Enclosures as a land management tool for food security in African drylands. Journal of land use science. Nyberg G, Mureithi, SM, Murisho DN and Ostwald M, 2019
  11. Measuring the impact of plant breeding on sub-Saharan African staple crops. Eriksson D, Akoroda M, Azmach G, Labuschagne M, Mahungu N, Ortiz R. 2019
  12. Yield and labor relations of sustainable intensification options for smallholder farmers in sub‐Saharan Africa. A meta‐analysis. Sigrun Dahlin SA, Rusinamhodzi L, 2019.
  13. Food production and gender relations in multifunctional landscapes: a literature review, Westholm L, Ostwald M, 2019.
  14. Urbanization, livestock systems and food security in developing
    countries: A systematic review of the literature
    Hatab AA, Cavinato MER, Lagerkvist CJ, 2019
  15. Modelling habitat and spatial distribution of the edible insect Henicus whellani Chop (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae) in south-eastern districts of Zimbabw. Chemura A, Musundire R, Chiwona-Karltun L, 2019.
  16. What is good about Sri Lankan homegardens with regards to food security? A synthesis of the current scientific knowledge of a multifunctional land-use system. Mattsson E, Ostwald M, Nissanka P. 2017.



Sofia Boqvist, Associate Professor
Programme Director of AgriFoSe2030, SLU
Telephone: +46 18-672 388, +46 722 403 494