Livestock cafés

Last changed: 09 January 2024
A brown sebu cow is standing and watching.

The project will co-develop sustainable rangeland restoration and management options with local communities in knowledge sharing hubs (‘livestock cafés’).

Livestock cafés will be the experimental sites to study forage productivity, establish novel colearning and knowledge exchange centres and create opportunities for milk and fodder value chain development.

Livestock cafés will function to:

  • Engage with local communities to test novel land restoration and management options in grazing areas for enhanced forage, food and income. These experimental plots are managed for forage production and can be utilized for controlled grazing by the local communities. Restricted timing and intensity of grazing is key to their management.
  • Develop fodder value chains. At the livestock cafés, the project will pilot value chain improvement activities and orient the communities towards value addition. Groups of local women, men and youth will be trained and familiarized with livestock products, e.g. hay and milk, and their value chains. This will prepare them to take over the operations by the end of the project.

Read more about the work of establishing livestock cafés.

Get to know one of the PhD students with focus on livestock.

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