SLU news

Organic strawberries more frequently pollinated

Published: 02 March 2012

Pollinators benefit from organic farming methods. This was demonstrated in an experiment with strawberries placed at the border 12 cereal fields in southern Sweden. In the conventionally grown field, only 17 per cent of the flowers were pollinated compared to 45 per cent of the flowers in the organically grown fields

Pollinating insects are vital for growing fruit and vegetables, but hey are threatened by increasing intensity in agricultural production. The problem of deterioration of pollination has received more attention recently.

This experiment shows that pollination of strawberries more than doubled in organic farming. With better pollination was both yield and quality higher.

- The results show that pollinations benefit from organic practices, which is an important factor in the development of sustainable agriculture," said Georg Andersson, PhD in Environmental Sciences, Lund University, in an interview by SVT Science.
