SLU news

Swedish breeding study awarded in Hamburg

Published: 25 September 2012

Organic dairy producers want to see breeding with a focus on the cows' health and many of them would consider a reduction in milk production in order to achieve this.

Therese Ahlman, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics won a prize for her presentation on breeding objectives in organic milk production at an international conference in Hamburg.

In her study Therese shows that organic and conventional producers mostly had similar requests for genetic traits. But organic producers differed in that they focus more on health and that they can accept reduced milk production in order to achieve this.

The prize was awarded at the 2nd IFOAM Organic Animal Husbandry Conference "Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry", which was held September 12th to 14th, 2012 in Hamburg, Germany.
