SLU news

Organic Sweden: new business organisation for organic food

Published: 01 July 2014

On June 25, Organic Sweden was formed. It is a business association whose goal is to increase the sales of organic food to 20 per cent in Sweden and Swedish exports of organic food to 20 billion SEK in 2020.

– The interest in organic food has never been greater than now. Organic Sweden wants to help consumers to get access to more organic products, and for producers, especially the Swedish, to meet the demand and produce more organic food. We can see the value of international trade, where imports are needed while there also is a potential for increased exports of Swedish organic products, says Charlotte Bladh André, Chairman of Organic Sweden.

The newly elected members of the Board of Directors represent the whole food chain:

• Charlotte Bladh André, Ekorrens Ekologiska – chairman
• Nils Berntsson, Martin & Servera
• Maria Dirke, Swedish Ecological Farmers’ Association
• Anders Heimer, Ekologiskt Forum
• Inger Källander, Ekologiskt Forum
• Lars Nellmer, KRAV
• Mikael Robertsson, Mikrob
• Carina Tollmar, Oatly
• Johan Ununger, Saltå Kvarn
