Ling teacher meeting in Alnarp 17-18 June

Last changed: 04 November 2019

During the workshop Ling in Ultuna and Alnarp, held at the LA days in Ultuna in April 2019, all participants agreed that they wanted to continue the interesting and important discussion that arose about the development of the program. As a result of this request The Teacher Synergy Forum arranged and invited all teachers from both Alnarp and Ultuna involved in the program, to a meeting in Alnarp the 17-18th of June.

During two, literally and with respect to the engemang, hot days, more than 20 teachers exchanged ideas and materials, discussed collaboration, had walk and talk sessions in the park and got a better knowledge about who is who within the team of Ling teachers.

A question that engaged all of the participants and was heavily discussed where what courses the program should offer the students during their last year. Everybody agreed upon that the topics of the these courses either should be more advanced courses within themes already introduced during the first two years or courses with themes and knowledge more connected to specific but rather new professional roles for our alumni.

The agenda of the meeting and list of participants (PDF in Swedish)


Åsa Bensch, Lecturer at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp

Telephone: +46 40-41 51 69

SLU Landscape
SLU Landscape operates as a cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape subject area at SLU. It is one of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe.