SLU news

Organic farming has greater impact on pollinators in monotonous landscapes

Published: 23 October 2013

Pollinating insects thrive in varied landscapes and the agricultural system has less bearing on the number of species. But in more monotonous farmlands can organic farming contribute to a wider range of pollinating insects.

“How does the agricultural system and type of landscape affect the species composition of pollinators?” This question researchers at Lund University tried to answer in a study conducted in southern Sweden. They found that in crop fields in more varied landscapes, there were more species of pollinating insects, and the species number declined as the landscape became less varied. This decrease was most pronounced in field grown conventionally while organic fields where more able to maintain the width of pollinating insects also in monotonous landscapes. However, there was no clear difference in the species composition of pollinators between organic and conventional fields if they were in a varied landscape.
