SLU news

Report on digestate from biogas in organic production

Published: 05 December 2013

To close the nutrient cycle and to utilize the potential in nutrients of various waste products is a central concept in organic production. The digestate from biogas plants is therefore an interesting fertilizer. The digestate can also provide a more accessible nitrogen, dosed in accordance with the crop’s demand.

Now you can download the latest knowledge synthesis from EPOK (in Swedish). The report is called "Rötrest från biogasanläggningar – återföring av växtnäring i ekologisk produktion" (“Digestate from biogas plants - recycling of plant nutrients in organic production”) Authors are Eva Salomon and Maria Wivstad.

  • The report provides the following chapters:
  • Biogas production and use of digestate
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus in organic waste
  • The potential for circulating nitrogen and phosphorus in the digestion
  • Biogas which promotes the circulation of nutrients

Quotation from the preface:
"The purpose of this paper is to contribute to knowledge dissemination on opportunities to improve the management of plant nutrients in the use of digestate from biogas production on organic farms. The publication compiles up-to-date date knowledge and practical experiences concerning the use of digestate. Among other things it presents draft recommendations about how the residue will be managed and used to achieve high yields and minimal environmental impact."
