SLU news

Tips from the farmers themselves in "101 Protein Tips"

Published: 13 February 2013

Maximize the capacity of grasslands, roast beans, more roughage and “stubborn peas” in the north. The ideas in "101 Protein Tips" come from farmers throughout Sweden. In the book you will find tips on strategies and/or crops that can increase the use of domestically-protein feed and reduce dependence on imports.

The book contains 101 tips and ideas on how the cultivation, trade and use of locally produced protein may increase. The tips were collected from farms in Sweden in autumn 2012.

The purpose of the book is to communicate good ideas from farmers who increased their profitability and secured feed supply through a conscious focus on a greater share of home grown or local protein. The tips show that it is possible to grow protein crops in Sweden and produce much more protein through the ley crops than what is done today.

The book is made incooperation between Swedish Farmers' Association, Swedish Ecological Farmers Association och Växa Sverige.
