SLU news

Inspiring meeting on organic farming research

Published: 25 April 2013

Research on organic production was the focus on April 24, when EPOK gathered for a workshop on targeted calls, the research agenda and collaboration possibilities. The present researchers provided input about interdisciplinarity and stakeholder collaborations.

About 40 scientists met up when EPOK gathered to a motivational meeting for future research calls on organic production and consumption.

Maria Wivstad presented the background to, and reasons for, the existence of targeted funding for research on organic agriculture. Then she explained briefly about the process that led to the current research agenda for organic agriculture.

Maria went on to present the overarching themes and areas of focus in the research agenda. Eva Salomon, Anna Wallenbeck and Elin Röös contributed examples of the prioritized research needs, highlighted in the agenda.

Ann-Charlotte Wallenhammar from Hushållningssällskapet / HS Konsult AB contributed with perspectives from practice, when she described the key problems in organic crop production.

Between the presentations were all present to discuss in small groups around the questions:

- How to promote collaboration between departments and faculties and create more interdisciplinary?
- How to capture the issues and needs of the industry?

The commitment was large and the need to find new forums to develop partnerships and collaboration was evident.
