NILS ESS – National monitoring for assessing and valuating ecosystem services in Fennoscandian alpine and boreal landscapes

Last changed: 29 August 2016

The project NILS ESS compiles and analyzes information from NILS (National Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden) on ecosystem services in the northern Swedish mountains and forests.

NILS ESS  reindeer, Photo: Anders Esselin
The Swedish Biodiversity Centre (CBM) is participating in the NILS ESS project. The project involves researchers from different scientific disciplines and stakeholders from various sectors of the society. The results should be made accessible and useful to decision makers at various levels. The term of the project is 2013 and 2014. It is part of the Environmental Protection Agency's research initiative "The value of ecosystem services". The project is led by the Department of Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). 

