17 Feb

Lennart Kennes room, Biocentrum Ultuna and zoom, Uppsala

Metabolites in fish and humans as a response to different food ingredients

dissertations |

Mathilde Brunel defends her thesis "Metabolites in fish and humans as a response to different food ingredients" on 17th February 2023

All interested are welcome to take part in the public defense online


Link to thesis: https://publications.slu.se/?file=publ/show&id=120062
Author / Respondent: MSc Mathilde Brunel
External reviewer / Opponent: Professor Livar Fröyland, Havforskningsinstitutet Institute of Marine Research. P.O box 1870 Nordnes NO-5817 Bergen Norway
Time: 2023-02-17 13:15
City: Uppsala
Location: Lennart Kennes room, Biocentrum Ultuna and zoom
Organiser: Department of Molecular Sciences
Additional info:


Please contact jana.pickova@slu.se  for online address and login information to the public defense
