Contact, 018-671875
These are the people that recently have arrived to the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.
Olof Westergren is a Master's student in Agronomy who has started his Master's thesis with Georgios Tzelepis. He will investigate the tolerance of variable commercial oilseed rape varieties to Verticillium longisporum.
Isaak Iliopoulos, a master student at SLU, has joined the Agriculture Plant pathology group at the beginning of November for a 10-week research training project. He will investigate the role of CFEM effector proteins in fungal biocontrol.
Vilda Lindberg has recently joined the forest microbiology team as an industry PhD student with Holmen Skog AB as part of S-fak’s new doctoral school WIFORCE (Wallenberg Initiatives in Forest Research). At our department Vilda is supervised by Judith, Marisol and Petra. She will investigate how ectomycorrhizal fungi in the Suillus genus can alleviate drought stress in pine seedlings.
Cristiana Correira is a new post-doc in Magnus Karlsson's group. She will work with microbial communities and biological control of tomato diseases, in a project together with colleagues in South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania. She will work together with Magnus, Vahideh and Mukesh. She shares office with David Manyara.
Harika Bommisetty from Aarhus university in Denmark is visiting Sara Hallin's lab during 3 weeks (until mid November) to do DNA extractions and qPCR of denitrification genes using rhizosphere collected from her field experiment. Maria Hellman is supervising her in the lab.
David Manyara is a new post-doc starting 21 October, working with Magnus Karlsson and the other members of the plant pathology group. He recently defended his PhD at Uppsala University on single-cell genomics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with Anna Rosling (and Marisol). Here, he will work with comparative genomics of biocontrol fungi, focusing on genetic signatures of selection.
Yaroslav Ivanovych is a postdoc with us for the next two years. He will be working on ash projects, identifying links between pest and pathogen resistance in European ash populations, together with Audrius, Kateryna and Malin. Yaroslav is sitting in room A-382 with Katta.
Ramith Nair is a senior researcher at Uppsala University who will be working with Sara Hallin's group on identifying links between antibiotic resistance and differences in nitrogen metabolism in bacteria., 018-671875